Sean McVay's Ukrainian Model Fiancée Vs. Watching Football On The Couch
Ladies, if you don't get us by now, you'll never get us. If you've been through at least two football seasons with a guy, you should know that football is the most important thing in our lives from Labor Day weekend until the clock hits 0:00 on Super Bowl Sunday and the betting, the food, the drunken nights with our boys in the garage, the f-bombs, the high and the lows are finally over for another year.
The biggest disaster a woman can make in a relationship is telling her mother -- during year one of a relationship -- that the new boyfriend really doesn't care about sitting at home and watching football. She's in for a rude awakening by year two. There are, like, four or so things most guys care about in life: football, food, beer, and a fresh cut lawn on Thursday night so it's ready for the weekend.
It doesn't matter if you're Ukrainian model Veronika Khomyn, who is engaged to Rams head coach Sean McVay. It's football season. Even on weeks off, McVay's digging into the pigskin smorgasbord.
"Sean, want to sit on the patio and talk about the wedding plans I've been working on?"
"Baby, I scheduled a couples massage and bought some wine."
"You can't sacrifice one weekend for me? Let's go for a drive and walk on the beach like when we were first dating."
Choose your relationships wisely, ladies.