Mason Rudolph Drilled By Can Of Twisted Tea, OK St. RB Smashes The U & Bills Fan Ladder Disaster
As you suspected, Super Bowl week won't be a typical Super Bowl week
It's hard to believe at one point this year I was on South Beach at Super Bowl week activities, chasing down Ric Flair for a video on the street, chatting with Jeff Garcia over plates of finger foods, and there wasn't a mask in sight. My father and stepmother were along for the ride, their first behind-the-scenes Super Bowl week experience. I remember talking to them about how we would do it up in Tampa in 2021. Yeah, that's not happening. There's no use spending the money to get a 1/8th Super Bowl experience. We are about five weeks out from the Super Bowl in Tampa, and there's chatter that teams playing in the game will keep their normal 2020 COVID travel times.
In other words, it won't even be close to a typical Super Bowl week. The big parties are off. Radio row is off. And the celebs who normally attend the game to pimp some new show or movie will be replaced by first responders who have received the first round of vaccination.
Next up: Super Bowl LVI. It's in Los Angeles. You have to figure the NFL has concerns over how California weirdos will be handling business in 2022. Don't forget that Fauci floated early 2022 as the time when herd immunity would kick in. Don't get excited over your Super Bowl LVI plans.
• The bowl schedule starts today at noon with Wake Forest vs. Wisconsin. Then it's Oklahoma vs. Florida at 8 ET in the Cotton Bowl. That's a solid Wednesday. Enjoy it.
• I'm way behind on the Hilaria Baldwin scandal, but the headlines have been great. I'm still not sure what's up with the whole faking being Spanish act. I'll know this is a really big deal if I hear the neighborhood women talking about it during a garage beer session.
• This isn't shocking. Colleges that have been closed are planning to get students on campus for the spring semester. Why the rush? They're going broke. In a survey of higher education leaders conducted by NEPC, "67% cited decreased revenue from tuition and from student housing as their two largest challenges."