Journalist Continues To Harass Bill Belichick For His New Year's Resolutions
Now the Boston Globe writer who asked Bill Belichick about his New Years resolutions is just getting annoying. Juliet Pennington, who was roundly praised for her performance Sunday when, after the Patriots lost to the Bills, she asked Belichick if he had any resolutions, was back at it Friday during Belichick's media availability.
"It's New Years' Eve Day, have you had a chance to consider any New Years' resolutions since I asked you on Sunday," Pennington pressed Friday morning.
Good one, Juliet.
It's one thing to have some fun with Bill two weeks until the end of the season and then there's stroking your ego after the blue checkmarks piled on admiration for asking it the first time. How do I know this reporter is seeking out attention from asking Bill this resolutions question? All I had to do was look at Juliet's wall.
See those press passes? See those framed covers featuring Juliet's work? 100% she's one of the most annoying reporters on the planet. The minute you see some reporter showing off his/her press badges is the minute you know this person wants to be the star, not cover the star.
It was cute the first time, Juliet. You've had your 15 minutes this week. Now feel free to go back to stroking your press badges and leave Bill alone. The last thing the AFC needs is this guy angry and in the mood to reel off an AFC title.