JJ Watt Offers Two Minutes Of Perfection That Every Sports Fan Should See
Houston Texans' defensive end JJ Watt was asked what frustrates him the most about the Texans' 4-11 record, and he gave us the perfect answer. It may be the best minute and 49 seconds of media footage all day.
"This is a job. A lot of people watch us and invest their time, and they care about it," Watt said. "We're 4-11, and there's fans that show up to the stadium and spend their time and energy to care about this. So if you can't work out or show up on time, then you shouldn't be here."
"We're athletes getting paid a whole lot of money," Watt continued. "If you can't get to the practice field and work hard like you're supposed to, then you shouldn't be here."
Athletes are consistently giving us inconsistent effort, so these comments hit home for all of us. Who hasn't watched players for their favorite team show they don't care about the results on the field? This is a business where athletes should be worried about their salary, playing situations, and plenty other things, but that shouldn't prevent them from giving effort.
"Fan" is short for fanatic ,and that's something that all professional and amateur athletes should know before they walk through that door. After all, these "fanatics" are the the only reason salaries have gotten so high. Without them, owners don't pay a guy like JJ Watt millions of dollars. Just ask the WNBA (sorry, I had to).
We couldn't agree more, so why isn't this the standard?
Well, money is involved more than ever before. Agents, groupies, and friends push athletes to care less every year about what actually matters--winning. Players now have their own brands, when they didn't in years past. It's hard to get everyone pulling the same rope these days, when before, most players weren't playing with ulterior motives.
Props to JJ Watt for being a stand up, genuine and caring guy. Houston, Texas got a good one.