Brian Daboll Goes Absolutely Bananas After Justin Tucker's Missed Field Goal Creates Insanely Loud 'Doink'

Brian Daboll was thrilled that Justin Tucker missed a field goal in the first half of Sunday's game against Baltimore on Sunday. Maybe even a little bit too pumped. Maybe.

Daboll, who took over as head coach of the Giants during the offseason, lost his mind on the sideline.

With less than a minute remaining in the first quarter, the Ravens lined up for a 56-yard field goal attempt. Tucker, who came on to kick, had made 10-straight attempts from 50 yards or longer entering the weekend.

Unfortunately for him, the CBS broadcast chose to point out that statistic and mention it on air. He got hit with the announcer's curse and missed.

But it wasn't just any miss. It was a doink. And an EXTREMELY loud one at that.

Justin Tucker's doink sent Brian Daboll into a frenzy!

Tucker got every bit of the ball and sent a missile skyrocketing in the direction of the uprights. It looked like it was on target off of his foot, but it slowly curved left until – BOOM! Off the left post.

Tucker really got ahold of the kick, but couldn't get it to go in. And it was not a quiet miss by any means.

Daboll, who like everybody else assumed that Tucker would remain automatic, was thrilled to see the ball bounce off of the neon yellow upright. His reaction was priceless, especially considering that his team had nothing to do with the miss and that the kick was fairly inconsequential.

With that being said, this is not a knock on Daboll. His reaction was electric and a lot of fun.

You can't help but love the energy from a first-year head coach who has made the Giants relevant in mid-October for the first time in a long time. The players love to play for Daboll and his passion and emotion is a big reason why.