UnAmerican Ref Stops Mississippi Team From Bringing Chainsaw Onto Field
I thought this was America! Since when did we stop letting football teams bring fired up Stihl chainsaws onto the field before games? Schools bring out dangerous animals all the time to run on the field, yet Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College can't run on the field to the sound of a running Stihl chainsaw, minus the chain? What the hell has become of this country and all it used to stand for?
What happened Thursday night in Perkinston, Mississippi is a travesty. A ref working the game between MGCCC and Jones College told Bulldogs players they weren't allowed to bring the Stihl onto the field. "One of us has been doing this 30 years and haven't seen something like that," a ref told reporter Alyssa Newton.
Hey ref, did you ever see that video where the Georgia bulldog handler took his dog to meet Bevo before the 2019 Sugar Bowl? Yeah, the one where Bevo nearly gored members of the media. Was Bevo banned from college football after that incident? NOOOO!
What about the time Uga tried to bite an Auburn player? Did the SEC ban Uga from attending games and laying on bags of ice in his dog house? No sir!
That's why the ref working MGCCC vs. Jones College should be ashamed for not allowing Brian Merritt to run on the field with the Stihl. Even with the ref making a terrible decision, Merritt and the Bulldogs cruised to a 35-8 win.
As for the saw, it's not a new concept. MGCCC has taken it on the field before.
“We run a blitz called ‘Saw,’” MGCCC head coach Jack Wright told the Biloxi Sun Herald. “It’s a pretty risky blitz, I guess you could say. You don’t leave a lot of help on the back end. We’ve got the kids sold on that’s the greatest defense we can run.
“It’s kind of taken on a life of its own over the last two years. Our kids love (the chainsaw). It brings a lot of energy, and I think it’s unique. Anything that gives the kids a little boost before the game, I’m all for it.”