Jeanie Buss' Twitter Gets Hacked, Hacker Starts Slinging PS5s
Los Angeles Lakers owner Jeanie Buss got got.
Buss appears to have clicked the link in a fake email or direct message which allowed hackers to take over her Twitter account. The hackers wasted no time in trying to bait other innocent folks into falling for another scam by 'selling' PS5s.
Anyone active on Twitter has seen the fake PS5 tweets, but they typically come from someone who has 62 followers, not from the Lakers' owner with over 400k followers. The hacker made the tweets creative and (almost) believable by mentioning the Lakers.
There's a good chance hundreds of people fell for it and sent direct messages to Buss about the PS5s.
Here's a look at the original tweet about the PS5s and the hacker quote tweeting it with another message:

Jeanie Buss has her Twitter account hacked.
One account decided to send Buss a message about the PS5s and joked that they'd send her a 2027 second-round pick in exchange for the gaming system. The hacker responded with a random email address and Zelle account information.
Buss later got her Twitter account back and deleted the tweets about the PS5s.
Slinging PS5s after hacking one of the most well-known sport's owners on the planet is certainly a bold, and questionable, move. It certainly wasn't an amateur hacker that got into Buss' account, but an amateur move trying to sell some gaming systems.