Draymond Green Shares His Pick For GOAT Between LeBron and Michael Jordan

Warriors forward Draymond Green is back to talking about his favorite player in the NBA.

Scratch that; his favorite player of ALL TIME.

To no one's surprise, Green heaped praise upon Los Angeles Laker LeBron James and gave him the advantage over the real GOAT, Michael Jordan, during an interview for Uninterrupted's Throwing Bones podcast.

Green threw in a sneaky endorsement of his Warriors team when he stated that LeBron gets an edge over Jordan for having to play against "the best team of all time."


He even ranked teammate Steph Curry on the list of all-timers.

Green shared:

"My top five is number 1; number 2; Kobe number 3; Steph number 4, and Shaq number 5."

Since Green is notorious for riding the LeBron train hard, his rationale and rose-tinted view on the GOAT conversation were beyond predictable.

"What Bron has done... Bron started in 03, by 2005 Bron was the best player in the NBA," Green said. "In 2020, he was still the best player in the NBA. He was the best player in the NBA, no matter what the game did. The game went from too slow, slow big men, to stretch four big men, to back two big men, to no big men, and he's been the best no matter what."

For a guy with a 22-33 Finals record — compared to MJ's 24-11 — the conversation for the best of all time feels much more wide open between LeBron and Jordan than Green wants to admit.

Then again, how is LeBron going to give Green his daily dose of attention if he's not kissing up to the Laker?

Green added that LeBron had been the lynchpin to every champion team he's played on, which has truth to it if you keep the whole "needs a Big 3 to win" talking point out of the discussion.

"When you look at the teams that Bron has carried to championships or carried to the finals, MJ didn't beat the greatest team ever assembled," Green noted.

"Nor did he run up against the greatest team ever assembled every year. When you look at the skillset that Bron has, there's nobody that has ever played the game of basketball that can do what LeBron James does on a basketball court. Michael Jordan could do just about all that LeBron James does, just for damn sure he couldn't pass like Bron."

Kudos to Green for his fearless and shameless commentary ... but this take's out of bounds.

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Alejandro Avila is a longtime writer at OutKick - living in Southern California.

All about Jeopardy, sports, Thai food, Jiu-Jitsu, faith. I've watched every movie, ever. (@alejandroaveela, via X)