NBA Welcomes First 'Non-Binary, 'Trans' Referee

A biologically female NBA referee came out as a nonbinary trans male to be the FIRST in NBA history to set this arbitrary benchmark.

NBA ref Che Flores was highlighted in a new GQ article Monday, revealing the referee's 'trailblazing' identity as a queer person and having zero to do with basketball.

The Woke NBA's First Non-Binary, Trans Ref: Che Flores

Identity does not contribute to officiating, but in the NBA, identity and platform are everything.

"One piece I was missing for myself was that no one knew how I identified," Flores shared.

Modern Sports Keep Eye Off The Ball

As is standard with progressive LGBT ideology (which this is), the message focuses solely on a person's identity. In Flores' case as a trans, non-binary person, her identity is both malleable AND sacred to her being; never to be denied or 'mischaracterized' despite a definite set of chromosomes.

Flores wanted to set the record straight ahead of the NBA's 2023-24 season. Last season, Flores officiated 35 NBA games.

"Being misgendered as she/her always just felt like a little jab in the gut," Flores said.

"I can go through the world and even my job a lot more comfortably," Flores added.

While Flores hoped to usher in a new brand for the NBA, prioritizing LGBT agendas, the ref oversaw a disregard for the profession that made her recognizable. For Che Flores, her presence in the NBA isn't about growing the sport of basketball but encouraging others, including youth, to come out of the closet.

As the NBA turns progressively more liberal, similar to most major American leagues, the message becomes less about romanticizing basketball and more about pushing agendas.

Che Flores Highlights 'Mission' Behind Coming Out In Comments To GQ

Flores is the latest "pioneer" in the modern landscape of sports.

Rather than push the envelope as a woman in a heavily male field, Flores aims to push radical gender ideology.

"I just think of having younger queer kids look at somebody who's on a high-profile stage and not using it," Flores added. "And I'm not using the league to an advantage in any way. This is just to let young kids know that we can exist, we can be successful in all different ways."

Flores, like many before, will discover that woke leads to broke. Woke also means performing a role no longer focused on your actual merit, which Flores will soon acknowledge and play into.

The ref officiated more than 1,000 games across 14 years, making stops at the NCAA, WNBA and G League before reaching the NBA. Impressive on its own.

Flores possesses the freedom to identify as trans but the ref makes her intentions in coming out transparent for those wondering what her platform encourages.

"When I started refereeing, you had to look a certain way," Flores says. "This is the first time I’m comfortable expressing myself through my own fashion and not having to worry about it."

In Flores' ideal future, more non-binary, more trans refs will officiate NBA games.

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Alejandro Avila lives in Southern California and previously covered news for the LA Football Network. Jeopardy expert and grumpy sports fan. Known for having watched every movie and constant craving for dessert. @alejandroaveela (on X)