Texas IHOP Customers Beat Each Other Up In Wild Royal Rumble Bout
What was supposed to be a late-night breakfast in Victoria, Texas over the weekend turned into a Texas-sized Royal Rumble between several 'Oh hell naw, no you didint (SIC)' bigguns' who turned a plate of disrespect into a big ol' helping of content for the Internet world.
And the worst part about this fight video? There's a dad in the middle of it trying to stop the fighting and he's absolutely helpless against the raging estrogen. Credit goes to dad for trying, but boy, once this one got out of control and the bigguns' started throwing, he was completely outgunned.
Now, you have to be patient here. the real action doesn't get started until the 1:40 mark when one bigguns' throws a booster seat and it's like Bruce Buffer announcing "IT'S TIIIIMMMMMMEEEEEE"
Ding, ding, ding! Oh hell naw! FIGHT!
The real biggun' gets absolutely lit up at the 1:50 mark as she loses control of the ground game and takes some serious hammers to the melon. From there it's absolute chaos as these o-linemen go to work on each other.
I truly feel bad for dad here. He clearly doesn't want to be in the industry of settling down the Oh hell naw you didint (SIC) community, but here he is. I guess it's completely possible that he's step-dad and has to play the good cop role for the mom who has lost all control of her bigguns'.
But there he is at some ridiculous hour having to put up with this nonsense while dreaming of being passed out in his recliner with a Yorkie snuggling up against him.
Come on bigguns', let the man enjoy life. He doesn't want to be cleaning up Royal Rumbles.