Wanna See Chappelle, Rogan In Nashville? Have A Negative Test Handy
Dave Chapelle and Joe Rogan are some of the most openminded and creative minds in America, which makes their covid protocols to enter their latest show that much more shocking: You'll have to have a negative covid test in hand in order to attend their events. In Nashville of all places, too...
"If you're coming to the show tonight with @Davechappelle and I at @stubbaustin get there early for the covid test," Rogan tweeted out before his February show in Texas.
He even threw in an explanation point to get us excited for our opportunity to get tested. Can't think of many other things that we'd like to do on a Friday night than to lodge a q-tip up our nostril.
The one thing that is reassuring is that there's been no mention for proof of vaccination. Sure, being forced to prove you aren't sick is a step in that direction, but most of us are really afraid of the end goal to force vaccination.
Bridgestone Arena will "require a negative covid test within 48 hours of the show", and here's the kicker: Those with covid-19 vaccine cards will NOT be accepted. Ha! Thank goodness you guys got jabbed so they could pat you on the back and tell you to stand in line (again) with the rest of us for a test.
These instances should go to show the vaccinated that their compliance doesn't change a thing. You''ll be forced to do more no matter where you stand on covid and they'll convince you to blame the unvaccinated -- now the un-jabbed look like the smart ones. Remember when we were the conspiracy theorists when we said it wouldn't end after you rolled up your sleeves? The good news here is that liberals don't watch Joe Rogan or Dave Chappelle, so no vaxxers will need a test anyway. They'll be too busy clogging roadways as they march to lose their rights.