Tomi Lahren Blasts Chris 'Mad Dog' Russo: Final Thoughts

If Red Sox fans want someone to be mad at for the Blue Jays loss, they should pick the MLB itself, not unvaccinated Tanner Houck.

Tomi Lahren explained on Thursday that Red Sox pitcher Tanner Houck is the best reliever in Boston's bullpen, but he wasn't able to throw a pitch against the Blue Jays because he's not allowed to enter Canada.

"Why? His personal decision to remain unvaccinated and the People's Republic of Canada's mandatory COVID vax policy," she said. "So of course, just as they did to unvaccinated Kyrie Irving and unvaccinated Aaron Rodgers, the lives of sports media blame unvaccinated Tanner Houck for the team's loss against the Blue Jays."

Tomi blasted MLB Network's Christopher Russo and his diarrhea of the mouth for his "take" on it.

"Excuse me. What happened to my body? My choice. Haven't your whacked-out lefties been screeching that for a week now? Does it not extend to a fourth jab in the arm? The hypocrisy is mind-blowing, but also predictable. If Boston fans want someone to blame for the loss, blame Major League Baseball itself. The MLB is all about rights, equality and inclusion when it comes to black squares and rainbows."

Watch Tomi's Final Thoughts: