Sara Gonzales One-on-One With OutKick
This week, The Blaze's Sara Gonzales stops by to talk about her career, the state of the country, the school system, and raising her children.
We also make fun of Jesse Kelly later in the conversation. Gonzales is a rising star in media. Enjoy:
Bobby Burack: How did you get to The Blaze and find your voice?
Sara Gonzales: Well, I of course went to a university institution, which did me absolutely no good. I got a degree in Criminology and Forensic Psychology. And as you can see, Bobby, I am using precisely zero of those things. Zero.
I was always interested in politics -- it was just always something that fascinated me. I was interested in law as well. I actually had a college professor who called me into office hours. And initially, when I received the request I was a little perplexed, but upon visiting his office he was trying to convince me to go to law school because of the way that I wrote. All my assignments, my essays, made him think I should go into law. Anyway, I ended up graduating in three and a half years, and I just didn't want to put in the extra time and money into doing that. So I found myself -- even though I had an occupation that was different from either of those industries -- gravitating toward politics.
I was writing blogs on the side. I started at RedState writing a blog and soon they promoted me to a front-page editor. People were reading what I was writing. It was a lot of work, but eventually, after I started writing at RedState for a while. I switched over to The Blaze when a position became available for a reporter on the dot com side. I told them that I wanted the job but that I wanted to work my way into television -- I just felt that visually, I enjoy speaking to my audience, rather than in written form.
Here I am now, and I've never once looked back. It's a great place.
Burack: What are your thoughts on the college system overall? When I speak to people in this space, an increasing number of them tell me they either regret attending college or may not want to send their children unless it's for a STEM degree.
Gonzales: That's such a great question. I would also like to just say, for perspective's sake, that I'm also a mother of two young boys and I frequently have this conversation with my husband. We're going to have to make that decision.
My oldest is nine. So, this is a conversation that happens quite frequently in our household. And I think that I've come to the determination that college is going to have to implode for me to sign off on it. I don't find it to be particularly valuable anymore. There obviously was a point in time where it was. But unless you're going for some sort of craft where you have to get the master's degree, you have to get the doctorate, you have to do those things, I'm not into it.
My hope is that college will completely implode and be replaced by trade schools, by apprenticeships, by certain industries that will be much more favorable to teaching people valuable life skills rather than indoctrinating them into Leftism.
Burack: That's fascinating.
Five years ago, seven years ago, you would talk to most parents and they would say ideally they hoped their kids would go to college, get jobs in corporate America in some private equity firm. What changed?
As Tucker Carlson told OutKick in the spring: the system is openly racist now. If you don't work for yourself or a small company, your success is completely out of your hands.
Gonzales: So true. I personally try to instill in my children the value of hard work. Now, it is hard when you look at what you were just talking about, which is sometimes that it doesn't matter how hard you work, if you're a white boy in America. And unfortunately, that's just a conversation that we are going to have to have with our children, which is, even if you work hard and are the best candidate for the job, it may be ignored because of your skin color.
It's interesting, actually, because when you think about the Left, who are constantly saying if you are a black person in America, you have to have these conversations with your children about police, not trusting them, and being careful when you get pulled over. But really, in actuality, I don't see that happening with minorities. I say that as a minority, of course. Instead, I see this happening with white people in America, particularly white men in America, white boys in America.
We have to sit them down and have these conversations with them, to tell them they may be discriminated against because of the color of their skin. I find it to be sad. That doesn't mean that I will stop instilling these values of hard work, perseverance, and dedication in my children.
It's awfully sad.
Burack: And for those who luckily live in a world that is not dictated by corporate executives who answer to Twitter, this happens all the time. I can tell you, without any hesitation, that executives in the media disqualify people for jobs because they are afraid of the narrative of promoting an on-air white guy following George Floyd's death. There's no doubt about it. Ask any agent, they've had these conversations with execs.
Gonzales: Of course. I'll even liken that to my nine-year-old son. He previously had an arrangement deal with a modeling agency. And all of the modeling agencies in the area started turning towards more ethnic-looking children. So they told us there was not a need for my son, who is an Americana-looking boy, blue eyes, lighter hair. There's just not a need for that anymore. So he lost it.
I find that fascinating that even at such a young age, they are telling children doing fashion spreads for JCPenney's catalogs that there's not a place for a blond-haired, blue-eyed boy. That's scary, Bobby. We are living in scary times.
To sort of bring it full circle. Yes, it happens in the media, but it happens so frequently now that we're doing it to nine-year-olds.
Burack: Disgusting.
How does this end well? Not just the race discussion, but the divide in the country? The Left controls all of these major institutions. They are in control, and this is what they want. It's what they demand.
Gonzales: Yeah, and I would like to point out something before I go in-depth in my answer:
It is fascinating that the Left controls all of these major institutions, yet they call these institutions systemically racist. They control all of the same institutions that they continually bitch about.
I used to be of the opinion, maybe in my more naïve days, that there was a chance to come back together. I am not of that opinion anymore. We've gone too far. There has been too much love lost. And I don't say this to mean that I think there should be some sort of a civil war or there should be violence. I'm not calling for any of that, but it's too late to get back together. The Left has hated us for too long. They hate you, they hate me. They hate what we stand for.
I thought I was going to be able to win them back over by showing them that we weren't the people that they claim that we are. What I've come to realize, in the last five years, is that it doesn't matter that we aren't who they say we are. They're going to call us that anyway. They're going to call us these things, no matter what. And you can't reason with that type of person.
So, I genuinely think that we're going to have to figure out how to have, as my friend Jesse Kelly would say, a national divorce. I think I speak for a lot of conservatives in America when I say they've finally pushed me over the edge. And I don't want to come back together with people who insist on hating me. I don't care to. I hate being the pessimistic one, I just don't see another way out of it.
Burack: What's next in your career?
Gonzales: Oh goodness. Well, I had started building up a YouTube audience, and I was producing videos with my content and my editing. My goal a couple of years ago was to build that YouTube channel. And while I still have that goal, I have new ones. Mostly at home.
With an 11-month-old baby and a nine-year-old boy, both here at home, I am so focused on that life. I pulled my son from the public school system. I couldn't take it anymore. My career is great and I love it, but my biggest goals right now lie within my children. Making sure that they are taken care of, making sure that they are in a school system that I can trust not to indoctrinate them with Critical Race Theory. Or to not indoctrinate them with this idea that it is your responsibility to take care of the greater good society by wearing a mask.
There are just so many things that have come up in the last year and a half. On the home front, I really had to look at my priorities and say, I love my career and I wouldn't change it for anything, but right now I have to focus on making sure that my family is taken care of.
Burack: So does hanging out with Steve Burguiere more frequently rank in the top 10?
Gonzales: Haha, love it. I love Stu, but he's not the extrovert that you would want to hang out with on a regular basis. So I'm gonna put that at maybe eight or nine. Not too high.
I see you go on his show sometimes. I'd love to get you on mine, by the way.
Burack:I think I wear Stu out. He hasn't invited me on in a bit.
Gonzales: Oh my. Well, you can come on my show any time. I need to get you on when Stu isn't bringing you on his. It doesn't take much to wear Stu out. I heard his favorite part of COVID was that he got to stay home by himself.
Burack: What's your favorite TV show?
Gonzales: You are going to laugh at me so hard. I'm embarrassed. I can't get enough of the show 90 Day Fiancé. I did it, I told you. I watch that like a marathon.
Burack: Who has the best Twitter account in this space. Is it your buddy Jesse Kelly?
Gonzales: Gosh, Bobby, it's hard because I hate to give Jesse more credit. He already thinks too highly of himself. But I think it's him.
Burack: That will be edited out.
Finally, what do you want the OutKick readers to know about you?
So I host the News and Why it Matters weekdays at 6 pm ET on BlazeTV, BlazeTV's YouTube page, Pluto, as well as Facebook. The show is me and a panel of several other people, and we try to give you the news in a way that's easily digestible.
We know that the headlines these days are crap. We know that watching the news generally makes people feel bad, so we try not to take ourselves too seriously like they do over at CNN.
We are just regular people like our viewers. We don't try to be people who are not, like Brian Stelter.
Our viewers seem to really enjoy that way of getting their news, and I would love it if anyone who reads OutKick would come join us over The News and Why It Matters.