OSU Student Paper Publishes Op-Ed Opposing Masks, Then Fires Editor Over Backlash

A cowering editorial board at Oklahoma State University succumbed to the backlash incited by posting an op-ed that opposed mask wearing; prompting them to add an non-triggering clause and oust its editor-in-chief for publishing the piece.

According to a report from Not The Bee, Madison Farris — editor-in-chief for the O'Colley student paper — was asked to resign from her role by the editorial board after she called mandatory mask wearing a violation of her personal freedoms in an opinion piece titled, "Enough is Enough." Farris grew passionate over the ruling when she was instructed to wear a mask during class, refused, and had to leave the lecture hall.

O'Colley's editorial board chose to protect itself from on-campus outrage by adding a correction:

We welcome any and all opinions offering rebuttal of this column, and do not wish to diminish any opinion. As American citizens, we affirm our belief in the First Amendment and the right as journalists to express our personal opinions no matter if our viewpoint is different from those around us

Patience was thin toward the student editor over her opinion, thus the board requested that Farris submit a letter of resignation. Madison went along with the pandering digital press' request — also calling them out for siding with the outrage mob over cosmetic theater.

"I regret that this was the outcome of exercising my First Amendment rights, but even more so, I regret that I have been robbed of the opportunity to learn from my errors and that productive discussion was unable to take place," claimed Farris' resignation letter.

The student paper later received and published one of its letters to the editorial board, which piled on the criticism against Farris using logic as porous as a surgical mask.

"I could not help but feel you were (and possibly still are) missing the larger point and I felt compelled to respond," wrote Dr. Kevin McFarland, alumni from OSU's Class of '95. "What I would first say to you may sound a little harsh, but please stop thinking of yourself so much and consider others a little more."

The critic added, "I have had COVID-19, I am fully vaccinated, and I strongly dislike wearing a mask because it fogs up my glasses. However, I will wear one to prevent the spread of a known disease in an area where it is known to have been."

On Wednesday's episode of OutKick the Show, Clay Travis discussed the never-ending COVID restrictions that Americans are embracing by refusing to acknowledge the data, drop the masks and live a normal life.

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Alejandro Avila is a longtime writer at OutKick - living in Southern California.

All about Jeopardy, sports, Thai food, Jiu-Jitsu, faith. I've watched every movie, ever. (@alejandroaveela, via X)