Broadway Announces It Will Drop Mask Mandates in July
In a small victory for common sense and science, the owners and operators of all 41 Broadway theaters in New York City announced they will be dropping mask mandates for the month of July.
For the first time since September of last year, theatergoers in the city will be able to enjoy a play or musical without engaging in theatrics of their own; wearing ineffective masks to make others feel better.
Given the inescapable reality that the removal of mandates throughout the country has not led to a huge, record-breaking surge of new cases, you'd think that this news would be greeted with universal acclaim.
But replies from the mask fanatics to this announcement have been extremely negative, with one Backstage employee saying she'll be canceling her tickets.
It makes you wonder if people like Katie Minard know that mask mandates have proven to be completely ineffective at preventing the spread of COVID.
Even now, Alameda County in the Bay Area reinstated a mask mandate, only to have the exact same results as neighboring counties without a mandate.

It just never works, no matter how hard they try.
If you want to enjoy a maskless Broadway experience though, it might be best to make your plans quickly, as a Wall Street Journal report explains that theater owners will "re-evaluate on a monthly basis."
Even when those in charge finally make the correct decision, they can never commit to finally letting it permanently end.
Every month, operators could bring back a useless, uncomfortable policy forcing informed families to try to cancel tickets booked during a maskless month or submit to a miserable experience.
With the average ticket price skyrocketing each year - Hugh Jackman's "The Music Man" costs on average $283 per person - it's questionable who would even want to see a Broadway show in the first place. But if you're willing to pay the exorbitant prices, at least you'll have the month of July to actually enjoy your (very expensive) night at the theater.
Here's what OutKick founder Clay Travis had to say:
"Even though there's zero scientific evidence to support mask-wearing making anyone safer, they have kept up this charade going all the way up to July 1."