After A Year, Portland Mayor Is Finally Over The Mob Burning Down The City

An hour after Derek Chauvin was convicted of the murder of George Floyd, riots began in Portland. Though it was ostensibly the verdict they wanted, the rioters wasted no time expressing their outrage. Yet somehow, a year after such rioting began, Mayor Ted Wheeler had finally had enough. Without Trump to blame, Wheeler had run out of scapegoats. Guess all it took was Biden being sworn in, swelling gas prices, and further destruction of downtown Portland to get Wheeler to wise up.

Lifelong bozos like Ted Wheeler will never take an ounce of accountability for the unrest of their cities, and it's hard to watch.

"The city is beginning to recover, but self-described anarchists who engage in regular criminal destruction don't want things to open up, to recover," Wheeler said to the media. "They want to prevent us from doing the work of making a better Portland for everyone. They want to burn, they want to bash."

Man, we told ya so. But what's important to understand here is that Portland's mayor didn't just randomly have a lightbulb go off. He's aware of the real enemy -- he just didn't like Donald Trump. Our former president was opening the eyes of Americans to our true enemy, and that was a direct threat to the agenda of Leftists like Ted Wheeler.

Portland's "leader" just plays musical chairs of the blame game, and it works like a charm there. Unless, of course, you want to live a healthy or safe life. Then it sucks.

The thing is, no one actually cares about Portland anymore, not even those who live there. It's officially a wasteland of intentionally unemployed losers who get off on the downfall of America. No one wants to celebrate an opened economy or breakaway from masks because that means you have to get a job -- and there's nothing the hoodlums destroying Portland enjoy less than working.

Reap what they sow

This is the domino effect of poor leadership and hoodwinked civilians. Want protection from COVID, from murderous police officers, or from gang violence?

Well, guess what? Mayor Ted Wheeler hasn't done any of that for Portland.

If you want leadership that works for the people and that doesn't push intentionally asinine agendas for power, then move to a conservative state. Oh yeah, and then start voting conservative, too. Probably the most important part.