Mayor de Blasio Calls For Removal Of Thomas Jefferson Statue

Mayor Bill de Blasio, seemingly unsatisfied with the disapproval that comes with imposing vastly unpopular and unnecessary mask and vaccine mandates, has found another way to anger New Yorkers. With just three months remaining on his term, de Blasio has called for the removal of a 187-year-old Thomas Jefferson statue from City Hall's council chambers.

Yes, de Blasio is attempting to cancel a former president who died nearly 200 years ago.

Per the New York Post, the city's Public Design Commission has listed “the long term loan” of the 1833 painted plaster statue of the author of the Declaration of Independence to the New York Historical Society on its “consent” agenda for Monday. Doing so means that removal of the statue will not be up for public debate. Instead, members of the commission will vote on the statue's removal once they've reviewed public comments.

Those comments should be...interesting.

Councilman Joe Borelli told the NY Post, "The de Blasio administration will continue the progressive war on history as he, himself, fades away into a portrait on a City Hall wall.

“I hope he is at least gone a couple hundred years before someone cancels him,” added Borelli.

The Jefferson statue was gifted to the city in 1834 by Uriah Phillips Levy, an officer of the Navy, and passed to the historical society by way of an "indefinite" loan. The statue is expected to be removed by October 21st. Unfortunately, New Yorkers will have to wait another few months to say the same about de Blasio.

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Anthony is a former high school basketball intramural champion who played a leading role in creating two offspring. He spends his weekends hoping for an MTV Rock N' Jock revival. Follow him on X (@OhioAF).