Law Student Victoria Vesce Stops By, The Beer Bat Is A Hit & A Geyser On The Vegas Strip

Rocks, rocks, and more rocks, including the one my son hit his head on

The theme of the weekend around here had to be rocks. As I told you guys Friday, my wife and I had a date with the rock yard Saturday morning where we bought somewhere around a half-ton of river rock boulders to finish off a garden bed we'd been tinkering with over the last couple of weeks. Like I said Friday, there's nothing like scheduling some alone time with your wife and spending it buying rocks. Big rocks. Medium rocks. Small filler rocks. The border wall was constructed Saturday, which left Sunday wide open. Yep, the 8-year-old wanted to climb rocks. Around here there aren't many cliffs to scale, so I thought the next best thing would be to head out to Marblehead, OH to climb on the massive boulders along the shoreline. The kids did their thing, the dog enjoyed jumping on rocks, and we were 15 yards of boulders away from leaving without a scratch when the 4-year-old slipped, went down and the back of his head met one of the boulders. It hurts me just thinking of that clanking sound of his head off the rock. The boulder climbing was over, but the little guy got his emotions under control for a nearby playground expedition. And with that, our weekend of rocks was over without a concussion, a trip to the ER (these days I figure we're at least going to Urgent Care) or blood of any sort. All in all, it was a successful weekend. • Sounds like it was a wild time in Galveston where there were 86 arrests in 24 hours at the 'Go Topless' Jeep Weekend. Texas news outlets say most of the arrests were for public intox, not nudity. Don't get sucked into that headline today while out there scrolling through Facebook or Twitter. The Jeeps go topless, not the partygoers. • I see that Macy's is putting its foot down

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Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.