Man Fights Kangaroo Attempting To Drown His Dog: VIDEO

A man did what had to be done in order to save his dog from a kangaroo looking to cause problems.

For those of you who might not know, kangaroos can be incredibly aggressive animals, are very strong and will attack/drown dogs and people.

People seem to think kangaroos are fun animals. They're not. They're actually a huge problem, and should be treated as such when causing issues within the animal thunderdome.

Man fights kangaroo to save his dog.

The situation Australian Mick Moloney found himself in, according to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. A kangaroo had his dog in the water, and Mick made it clear violence was coming for the animal.

"I'm going to punch your fucking head in. Let go of my dog," Mick told the wild beast. Moments later, it was on as he threw the first blow to free his dog.

The kangaroo didn't seem interested in backing down and a brief melee ensued before the dog was ultimately freed.

Someone get this hero a beer for saving his dog.

I don't care who you are, when your dog is threatened, it's time to throw down. Whether it's a crocodile, a kangaroo or anything else, it's time to start slinging or shooting when wild beasts want to mess around and find out.

A very old dog of mine fought a cougar and lost despite putting up a hell of a fight. I'm well-aware what can happen between violent wild animals and dogs.

If I'm carrying a handgun and a kangaroo grabs my dog, the following events will resemble the opening moments of 50 Cent's hit "Many Men."

If you're unarmed, then you have to do what this guy did. Square up, and start swinging. Don't show an ounce of fear, even though kangaroos can be wildly dangerous due to their incredible size.

Better to die a hero on your feet saving your dog than live as a coward on your knees because you did nothing.

Dogs are man's best friend for a reason. It's because they provide security, can hunt and are great companions. Anyone who prefers cats is nuts and should be on a watchlist. If dogs can do all that for us, then the least we can do for them is throw a punch at a kangaroo.

While we're here, let's remember the greatest kangaroo punch ever thrown. Smash the play button!

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David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.