Elizabeth Hurley Finally Leaves Home, Ukraine Vs. Russia Big J Fight On Live TV & The Vandy Pitch Device

Have any of you transported RVs as a form of adventure?

There I was last night at a golf show here in town talking to a friend of mine about what he's been up to and I could tell he's getting antsy. Ryan's an out-on-the road, where's my next adventure coming from type of guy and it was clear that he's been a mess since his big trip to Miami to see his Michigan Wolverines get destroyed by Georgia.

Then he tells me about how his old soccer coach at Michigan is transporting RVs for adventure. Now Ryan's thinking about getting into the game for the adventure of it all. Open roads. Man and his RV transport vehicle. Just suburban guys being suburban guys.

Ryan isn't hurting for money, so this isn't about making a buck driving Class Cs across I-80. This is about road stories.

Ryan, who knows I've done some adventuring in life, explains how these transports allow for nearly two weeks of time on the road between northern Indiana and places like L.A. and Vegas where these RVs will find their new homes.

I could've sat there all night at the golf show slamming beers and talking about running RVs across the country, but I had my son with me and the show was closing. I left the conversation with questions in my head and it just happens I have this massive Screencaps community at my disposal to ask these questions.

It just so happens that my wife and I have these work-at-home lifestyles where our bosses can't tell whether I'm poolside hammering out another Lia Thomas post or if my wife is designing graphics from the patio while I'm sipping on a patio cocktail.

I could picture myself hammering out Screencaps road dispatches at night after hitting the open road during the day. Or I could see a four-day run to Vegas at least once with Ryan just to write about it for Screencaps.

Someone help paint a picture on how this stuff works for the adventurist, not the person looking at it as a career.

You're damn right I could see stories of running RVs being instant street cred at suburban house parties. Sign me up.

Wait, you did what this summer?

Yeah, I got into running RVs. It's pretty cool.

And you don't get paid?

Yeah, it's a pure adventure angle.

Pure suburban house party street cred.

Email: joekinsey@gmail.com

• Moving along, I have to address the news Friday that the town five miles down the road announced that it's building a freaking indoor practice facility for its sports teams via funds collected via the Amazon distribution center that was built on city property.

Out of the blue, Rossford is building this indoor complex three miles down the road from my house. We've officially entered the stage in history where high schools that aren't exactly sports hotbeds will have $16 million indoor practice facilities.

Now, I get that I'm talking to readers across Texas where kids play football in $80 million cathedrals. But for this part of Ohio this is massive news. Only the biggest of the big dogs in Ohio -- Massillion comes to mind -- have facilities like this.

And now I have no doubt that the powerbrokers in my town will suddenly find a few million to put together their own indoor practice facility and it'll set off a Facebook brawl between the nerd and the seltzers five-days-a-week crowds.

Personally, this looks like a nice way to spend $16 million Amazon made off of people who needed iPhone cables. I'm not jealous. There's a good chance my kids will use that facility one day for a competition.

• You know those trendy shoes ESPN dorks life Schefter and Matt Hasselback wear when the guys are yucking it up on turf set up in the studio where they bounce around like they have to take a leak? Yes, that movement is encouraged by the experts who also teach these guys how to hold their hands while on camera.

You know the shoes. Robert Kraft shoes. I'm talking about the shoes where it looks like ESPN talking heads are about to get 10k steps in before hitting up a swanky steakhouse.

Britt T. is our expert in that shoe market:

Joe, thanks for posting the stuff that I’ve sent in. I love all the emails that come in from around the country (and out of the country), gets me off to a great (and positive) start each day. I told you about Bruno Marc shoes a week or so ago, and you were kind enough to send out to all of your fans.


Well, I just pulled the trigger and THEY ARE ON SALE IF YOU BUY TWO PAIR! $34.99 and you can look just like the posers who are on the channel formerly known as the worldwide leader (note the no caps in that, purposely done) who pay $399.95 for theirs (posers). Pounce now! Once you do, suggest you give them a holla holla and tell them Outkick is supporting….and tell them you’re gonna need a little walkin’round money for their sponsorship (at least enough for a burger and a few cold drinks at Rotier’s in Nashville or at Chester’s Hamburgers in San Antonino ).

Would be a good investment for them. Roll Tide, War Eagle, Touchdown Auburn, and Go Hokies!


As always, do your own due diligence here. I have zero dog in this trendy ass shoe fight. These could be made in some Chinese sweatshop where people are being flogged for not making Kraft-like shoes fast enough. Do your own DD!


• Chris B. in Texas shares his dogs who clearly like hanging out together:

• Paul T. writes:

I read screencaps quite often and 2 recent ones are in my wheelhouse...dogs and whiskey...Rob W's letter about dogs really touched me. I have always had dogs growing up and when I was able to get 1st home with a yard in 1992 I got my first dog a boxer named Caeser and soon got Cleopatra...now 30 yr and 6 more pups later I still have 2 boxers JJ 5yr male and EJ 3yr girl...for 20 of the 30yrs I was single and it was me and the pups...the love and happiness they have provided me and my family are memories we will have for a lifetime.

I can sympathize with Rob when he wrote about having to say goodbye to his pups...I really do...my mom told me the first time I had to go through it she said "the love they give you is worth the pain when you have to say goodbye"...each one is different with different personalities that I truly love!

Whiskey I am a 3rd generation whiskey man...my grandfather, dad and I have been affiliated with the liquor business since the late 1920's (during prohibition) and now almost 100yrs later with me.

Virtually all we have ever bought has come from liquor...I saw where you asked for comments on the bar that was pictured on Screencaps...they had one of my all time favorites Elmer T Lee...he is the one who really revitalized the bourbon market by creating Blantons Single Barrel...also noticed they had some EH Taylor and some Wellers (all Buffalo Trace whiskies...all solid) very good set up with a nice variety...as Fred Noe, with Jim Beam, stated "there are no bad whiskey...just some are better than others"...also noticed on the bottom a very good underappreciated whisky Very Old Barton...not many are aware but great if you have a few people and don't want to break the budget.

I do have a decent bar at home with about 75btls about 50 are bourbon...only have 2 bottles that are off limits (Elmer T Lee 93 proof 100yr anniversary) that are going to be saved for special occasion...my dad asked I open a special bottle upon his passing and have a toast in his honor...the rest are fair game to all who visit...I also like Old Forester bourbon...they make a variety of products but all are solid in my opinion...in my picture you will see a Remy Martin Louis XIII decanter (my uncle was a salesman for Remy in the '80's and drank with my dad...i got the bottle...I have Jeppson's Malort inside currently...not sure if you have had but if so...you will never ever forget it.

I happen to like it...takes some getting used to...made in Chicago and although it won't compare in bean or no bean chile (I live in TX...no beans) debate but I imagine there are plenty of us who have had it...I am on my fifth bottle and make friends when they come by and at bars...some of the official Jeppson Malort slogans are...Jeppsons Malort: "give your mouth a kick in the balls" "because your pants won't shit themselves" "it's what soap washes its mouth out with" and my favorite..."for the night you fight your dad" they say only about 1 out 50 who try it will take a second...I enjoyed the 3 shot challenge...makes for the start of a memorable night...of afternoon!...take care Joe and keep up the good work!

• Mark W. just started an official day for dog owners and Bourbon Bros®:

Love the discussion on dogs. They are truly angels without wings. So I think we need a special day to honor them and this is my idea:

• Sean C. writes:

Ok Joe, I'm sure you realized this dog topic could take on a life of its own. I love hearing the stories and seeing pics of other people's dogs. I can't believe it took 2 days of dog submissions for me to finally get this out to you.

I know I sent a pic of my 2 pups sometime this year when you had the topic about the "simple things" and what brings you joy in this crazy world. There's nothing too extraordinary about the acquisition of these two pups, except they were both "rescues" acquired by my girlfriend. They were both potentially in bad situations, and we often wonder about what their life would have been like if they weren't adopted. They are certainly spoiled. But worth every bit of it. Sirius (the white one) and Moxie (the brown one) are the best part of our day.

In the morning, they are always happy to be up and just start another day. Sirius will even do a "morning dance" to greet us as we first get up and are still getting the sleep crust out of our eyes. Every time we walk in the door (whether it's been 4 hours or 30 min), they are just so happy to see us, always bringing a toy (or often a shoe or slipper). And they are the best of friends. They rarely leave each other's side, especially when they are home alone. It's impossible to be in a bad mood when you're around them. I've attached a few pics to try to capture the personality I see from them on a daily basis.

• Aaron H. writes:

Great content.

As your Home Depot insider, I have but one thing to say:

"It's happening!"

Oh, and a pic of Scarlett.


I happened to see a photo Friday of a farmer from where we buy produce and flowers prepping one of his tractors for summer, and like Aaron sending a photo of Home Depot in Kentucky prepping for the season, it got the juices flowing. I keep telling my 9-year-old that his school year will be over before he knows it. Just a couple of more weeks of the real nasty winter remain and then it's time to unleash the summer projects and mowers.

• Mike T. and Cindy T. did some snow bird Mexican tourist stuff on Friday:

Repeat day on those delicious pork tacos, so I thought I’d show you some of what’s happening in Mazatlan. Don’t know if you realize it, but Mazatlan hosts the third biggest carnival in the world, behind only Rio and New Orleans. It’s quite the party.

Paper mache statues are placed on the malacon before carnival to provide a festive atmosphere! Enclosed are some of this years statues.

I also threw in a shot of the Miramar condos where El Chapo went down one time, only to magically escape through his toilet in prison!

Adios Amigo!

• Ryan Olds has an official TNML song suggestion:

Numbers from :

Stuff You Guys Sent In & Stuff I Like:

Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.