Yanet Garcia Declares 'All We Have Is Now' While Respecting Summer, Gronk Make Big Splash & Vegas Gone Wild
What an impressive surge on the Screencaps Facebook Group page
I mentioned the group page in Tuesday Screencaps and it turns out you guys are reading deep into the post because many of you asked to join.
Millennial Chris B. in Bowling Green, who somehow ended up as a moderator of the group, sent me a text asking if there was a huge surge of bots hitting the page because he gets email alerts every time one of you asks to join.
Nope, I mentioned the page in Tuesday Screencaps. Readers went nuts.
So let's try this again: Join the Screencaps Facebook Group where you can connect with some of the mailers you've become familiar with over the years.
Thoughts on schools across the Midwest closing due to heat
Tuesday, after being scared to death by the local weather guys and the National Weather Service issuing a ‘Heat Warning,’ a few schools across northern Ohio — I did see there were some in Michigan, which I'm told had to be parochial schools because Michigan notoriously doesn't go back until after Labor Day — closed for the day and some are off again today.
It's interesting how this topic came up just a couple of days after my 85-year-old stepfather, who is typically not one to say something like this, sat on my patio, looked at me and announced that kids these days are soft.
He was left wondering if this country could win another World War. I was absolutely stunned because even though he had a stint in the military, this is not a typical subject out of him and he's not a big rah rah, tough guy talker.
It turns out he's reading a book about the depression and the toughness Americans developed which then, he theorizes, led to the toughness that led to victory over the Germans and the Japanese empire.
While Gen Z and the Millennials cry about how hard they have it, let's face it, no living generation has had to endure anything like those who lived during the depression.
I'd argue that it's not the kids that aren't tough. It's the parents.
Go to a local park and watch how parents operate. Then stop and think of why schools closed for heat on Tuesday.
Parents carry medical bags like they're a trainer on a football team just waiting for something to go wrong while the kids are on the slide at the park.
Keri jumps up from the rubber-coated park picnic bench, throws a medic bag over her shoulder and slides across the bench like she's Luke Duke hauling ass across the hood of the General Lee.
Is it just another sign of the softening of America or did the principals just act as the medics on Tuesday with their preemptive school cancelations?
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com
- Gary M. writes:
Nothing like sitting in class in August in the Miami Valley with no air conditioning in the schools.
Builds character.
That and along with breaking in the new Sears Toughskin jeans the first 2 months of school.
What a great combination, new Toughskins and 90 degree school days.
Good times.
- Brad S. reports:
Our kids go to a Catholic School, and they got very creative today in handling the heat. The school is not air conditioned, but the Church, Parish center and gym all are. That's where the kids had their classes... much to their chagrin. (They would have rather had the day off!)
- Mike says:
I didn’t have a/c until I graduated from high school and joined the Air Force. We just adapted. Maybe the kids now need to learn what real life is.
To be fair, Mike, the kids aren't the ones making the school rules. They're following directions. I'm not sure the kids are affecting school decisions. Maybe I'm wrong, but I doubt the 5th graders are setting policy.
- Myron B. in the UP writes:
I have always got a kick out of schools closing due to heat. Here in thr Upper Peninsula hot days are unusual, plus schools typically aren't in operation during hot days. Hence, the lack of air conditioning.
That said my kids did have a couple days of school canceled due to heat, more due to cold. Back in the 50s and 60s the only reason school was canceled was impassable roads. We didn't even get opening day of deer season off.
- Jim T. says no air conditioning or days off in his day:
Growing up in Dayton, none of my schools – Orchard Park, Oak Creek, St. Charles, Archbishop Alter – were air conditioned. And we never got heat days off – snow days, yes. And one year in the 1970s, school was cancelled because it was too cold – like 10 below 0 without windchill.
But no hot days.
There were a few years at St. Charles and Alter where it got warm enough in either September or May that Sister or Father let the boys take our ties off due to the heat.
But that was all the accommodation we ever got.
- LA Don writes:
I was doing my usual morning read on the screen caps and was floored about the school closures in OH over heat. Where I spend half the year in Palm Desert CA, the weather posted on the caps vs what we deal w on a daily… it’s just bananas. Every school is open this week and here’s our weather (screen shot below)… maybe this is why Michigan has handled Ohio St the past 3 years? Is Ohio turning bluer? What gives? #weaksauce.
- William M. has his say:
I can’t wait for the global warming activities to use this propaganda. Those school officials are as soft as Harris campaign not taking interviews or question.
At what age is it time to stop with the birthday party gift bags?
Screencaps Jr. celebrates his 12th birthday today, and we're preparing for a party on Saturday. He'll have friends over to swim, run around, hit Wiffle balls, eat pizza, etc., etc.
Mrs. Screencaps defeated me over the weekend when it comes to gift bags. As a dad, I know I'm sick of the same damn bags entering our house with trinkets and candy that I immediately want to throw in the trash. The bags sit on the counter until I'm about to jump off a cliff.
I said no more bags. PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, NO MORE.
I tried to fight back for the parents who don't want more of these damn bags in their own houses. I tried.
Then there was a compromise. No more bags after 12.
At least I was successful in talking them into including baseball bat pens in the gift bag instead of the dumb spinners that pile up in the junk drawer.
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com
Screencaps Readers share advice for Anonymous Millennial New Home Buyer in Iowa with his electrical panel
*Legal disclaimer*
Do not take any advice as gospel. Do your own due diligence. I didn't have an actual Fox News Corp. attorney write this disclaimer, but I assume this is what the legal department would want me to add to this post.
Now, let's see what people have to say.
- Joseph A.M. in Elmira, NY says:
That's an old pull-out type fuse panel. The small round fuses are the 120 volt circuits, you have 4 of them. The large black things with a handle on them are pull- out 240 volt fuses. You have 2 of them. They would used for 240 volt appliances, such as electric stove, dryer or hot water tank.
You are pretty limited with this configuration. You can't add circuits. I'd recommend a service upgrade which would include a new modern breaker panel. What you have looks safe but is outdated and limited.
Ask around for recommendations for a good electrician (don't hire anyone nicknamed Sparky). Make sure he pulls the proper permits and gets the job inspected by the proper authority.
The permit and inspection are important because if you ever have a fire, for any reason, the insurance adjuster will check for that. If it's not done, they will try to deny the claim. Insurance companies make money by denying claims.
31 years in the IBEW, retired.
- Myron B. emails:
Interesting question on the electric service to a house. When I bought my house in Iron Mountaib Michigan the power ran through four screw in style fuses and a couple 220 fuses for the oven and dryer. Since it worked i left well enough alone until i had the resources to change it. Eventually put in a panel with circuit breakers, along with underground service to the house. Big problem with four fuses setup was how much of the house needed to be shut off to work on anything.
The other issue I encountered he might want to look out for was old wiring. Even had some know and tube wiring. Did lots of rewiring over the years.
- Chris B. in Florida has advice:
I AM NOT AN ELECTRICIAN!, but I’ve lived in some old (as old as 1770) houses, and I suspect that our new homeowner will want to consult a professional to see whether that old fuse box can support modern appliances and electronics. If that house was built in the 50’s-60’s, there were smaller refrigerators, no computers, no big TV’s… It may make sense to replace it with a modern circuit breaker setup to both supply and handle the power needs of a modern household. Low current can do damage to the things that are plugged in too. Either that, or buy a gross of replacement fuses.
From the Facebook discussion:
A possible deal for those looking to get the NFL Sunday Ticket
- Jeff H. writes:
One more note from me today – been a busy day! It was time to get my teenage daughter a phone (we wait until they start driving – one smartest move we’ve made as parents actually) so Verizon had a deal for a free iPhone 15 with a new line AND they are also including a subscription to NFL Sunday Ticket – for FREE!
I’ve never splurged and purchased it so my older sons and I are pumped.
Not sure how long they are running that deal but wanted to pass it along to the community.
Remember, your mileage may vary. Don't get mad at Jeff if this deal is some regional promotion.
‘Corn sweats’
I asked readers if they'd ever heard of such a thing or if the local weather guys are now making up terms to scare people.
- Michael B. in Iowa writes:
Lived in Iowa my entire 60 years. Corn sweat (respiration) is a real thing and as the tweet says, it ADDS to the humidity. It is not the primary cause of humidity, which falls to dew point and other atmospheric conditions, but it can certainly make a sorta bearable day into an unbearable one.
- Scott in Dexter, MO says:
As someone who grew up on a farm in SE Missouri (hell, my Mom drove our John Deere 9600 combine), I laughed at the latest weather bullshit being spread on Facebook about corn sweat and humidity. The corn in most, if not ALL of southern MO is NOT sweating at all currently. Some corn is being shelled as I type. I find it to be the latest 'let's make up a load of shit about the weather to either get people worrying, or maybe drum up a new group that will want to protest corn due to climate change'. Hopefully an Outkick ready can enlighten me if I am wrong!
Still hoping to compare golf tournament size....can't believe I typed that...sometime and extend the invite to you next June 6-7. Go to 18forelife.com to see more.
Thanks for all you do Joe...continues to be a hell of a way to kick off my day.
We got rain last night!
It's a miracle. Mrs. Screencaps finally got a night off from watering her flowers.
That's it for this morning. I ran over my time a little bit and now it's time to get rolling. Remember, this is college football eve. You need to get those chores done now so you're not rushing over Labor Day weekend.
Before you do that, go dominate that sales meeting. Take care.
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com