Woman's Boyfriend Showed First Signs Of Emerging From A Coma By Undoing Her Bra
When a squeeze of a hand and a rub of the back weren’t enough for doctors to determine that a man was waking up from a coma, he stepped up his game and undid his girlfriend's bra.
Determining when someone is emerging from a coma doesn’t work the way it does in the movies. Doctors look for intentional movements rather than reactive ones, according to Kath Smith.

A man's sign that he was finally emerging from a coma came when he undid his girlfriend's bra. (Image Credit: Getty)
Her boyfriend Ben, she's explained in the past on TikTok, was in a coma for almost a week after he suffered a traumatic brain injury during a mugging in London in 2018.
During this time, one side of his body "thrashed" while the other was paralyzed. The reactive movements by one side of his body made it hard to determine when he was actually emerging from the coma.
"I would hold his hand, he would squeeze my hand," Kath explained recently. "And they'd be like, that's just reactive, it needs to be an intentional movement. Whatever that means"
She thought for sure when he started rubbing his hand up and down her back while she was laying down on him that he had an intentional movement. The doctors weren't so sure, telling her, "No, that's still reactive."
There wasn't a dry eye among the nurses after the man in a coma undid his girlfriend's bra
That all changed when he, while still in his coma, reached under her shirt and undid her bra. The undoing of his girlfriend’s bra was about as intentional as it gets.
"I just was there, dumfounded," she continued. "The nurses were like, don't move, don't move" while they went to get the doctor.
"They brought the doctor in, and the doctor was like, 'I'll claim that as intentional.' That's how we knew Ben was emerging from his coma."
And that's the moment she also realized, I'm assuming, that she was truly with the one she was meant to be with. He used her bra as a symbol of his love for her and that he was emerging from his coma. It doesn’t get more romantic than that.
Kath responded to a comment about that being the nurse's favorite story by saying, "They were like crying after too. What a mixture of emotions!"