Woman Who Claimed To Have Tattooed Boyfriend's Name On Her Forehead Admits It Was A Hoax; Is Anything Real Anymore?

A woman in England who posted TikTok videos claiming to have had her boyfriend's name tattooed across her forehead has revealed that it was all a ruse.

You just can't believe anything you see anymore, and that's a damn shame.

Earlier this month 27-year-old Londoner Ana Stanskovsky appeared to get the mother of all red flags tattooed on her noggin.

Now, there was always an inkling that Miss Stanskovsky was pulling a fast one. So, she posted a second video in which she insisted that it was the real McCoy.

I bought it. Hook, line and sinker. For some reason, I got hung up on the Saran wrap. That seemed like a detail one would overlook if they were faking it.

Well, Stanskovsky has had enough time in the tattoo chair to think of this minor detail. She posted a new video in which she revealed that her new forehead piece was less permanent than a Sharpie.

“I regret my tattoo, but not this one, because this is actually not a real tattoo,”

I don't know what to believe anymore. A few more stories like this and I'm becoming one of those guys who thinks everything is fake.

Maybe (read: almost certainly) I'm the idiot.

The Forehead Tattoo Was Part Of A Message About Regrets

It turns out that while I was fixated on plastic wrap, people with more tattoos than me — which would be anyone with a tattoo — picked up on some key details. According to The New York Post, some noticed that Stanskovsky didn't have any tell-tale welts around the tattoo.

Then, the smoke tattoo gun: the machine in the first video wasn't even working.

Why would she do this?

She said that it was a ploy to get the youth of today to think twice about their tattoos because they may grow to regret them someday. In fact, Stanskovsky herself, who is covered in tattoos, says she regrets hers.

That's a pretty good message to pass along to kids.

I just wish she could've found a way to send that message without making me look and feel like a blithering dope.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.