Woman Claims To Have Gotten Boyfriend's Name Tattooed Across Her Forehead; Is That A Red Flag Or A GIANT Red Flag

A woman in the UK says she has tattooed her boyfriend's name across her forehead in giant letters, in what some are calling the biggest red flag since that astronaut lady drove from Texas to Florida while wearing a diaper.

According to The New York Post, a 27-year-old named Ana Stanskovsky, who hails from London (England; not Ontario) is a big fan of ink and decided that for her next piece, she'd have her tattoo artist whip something up for something else she's a big fan of: her boyfriend.

If you gave me 100 guesses as to where this story took place, I don't think I would've guessed anywhere on the British Isles. I guess you can't judge a book by its cover... or what's written on its forehead.

I think it'd be funny if she got into an argument with someone and said. "Do I have the word 'idiot' written across my forehead?" and they could go, "No, it says 'Kevin.'"

Yup, there's some lucky dude named Kevin strolling around London knowing he's got a lady friend willing to tattoo his name smack dab in the middle of her forehead.

Stanskovsky Says Her Forehead Tattoo Is The Real Deal

Many people questioned whether or not this was some honest-to-God ink on Stanskovsky's forehead and she decided to prove that it was by making another TikTok video. One in which she explains that the tattoo is 100% genuine.

If that tattoo isn't real — which I'm certain it is — she did her homework. No one would have thought to throw some saran wrap on their head in a bid to sell a fake tattoo.

Now, how do we feel about this? Is this simply a display of love, or is it the mother of all red flags?

I'm guessing the latter. I've never liked anything anywhere enough to get it tattooed across my face. Nothing. But who knows? Maybe this Kevin character really struck a chord.

Or... Kevin could be googling how to change his name or fake his death after seeing this. It's a bit.. a bit much. Ol' Kev-O appears to be locked in for the long haul. How do you break up with a woman who has your name written on your forehead?

I'd imagine like this: "It's not you, it's me... and by that I mean you have my name written on your forehead..."

Well, whatever the case, let's wish them all the best.

Now, I'm going to get this video off my computer screen before my girlfriend gets any ideas...

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.