What To Make Of Ben Shapiro-Candace Owens Spat
Daily Wire founder Ben Shapiro and Daily Wire host Candace Owens are trending on social media after he told her to "quit" if she believes work at the company compromises her relationship with God, as one of her recent comments suggests she feels.
Here is the back story:
On Tuesday, a user on X posted a video of Shapiro on a stage addressing Candace Owens' coverage of the war between Israel and Hamas.
Owens' view of the war has differed from most conservative pundits, including Shapiro's. She has raised skepticism over Israel's response and suggests the country should be held responsible for the destruction in the Gaza Strip.
“The question is about Candace Owens,” said Shapiro at the start of the video. “I think her behavior during this has been disgraceful, without a doubt.”
“I think that her faux sophistication on these particular issues has been ridiculous,” continued Shapiro, who concluded coverage is “disreputable."
Here's the clip:
It is unclear if Shapiro knew someone was recording him on stage or whether the video captured the extent of his comments regarding Owens.
Hours later, Owens posted a cryptic message on social media saying "No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other."
She concluded, "You cannot serve both God and money.”
Wednesday, Owens addressed Shapiro more directly during an appearance on Tucker Carlson's new show on X, in which she said Shapiro never reached out to her after the video of him criticizing her surfaced online.
Owens told Carlson that Shapiro's comments say more about his "character" than hers and that all disagreements between colleagues should be had "civilly."
Carlson asked Owens if Shapiro is her "boss" and if she plans to continue working at the Daily Wire.
She said she does, but added that Shapiro is not involved with the company day-to-day anymore and that she has a "great relationship" with the two company CEOs, Jeremy Boreing and Caleb Robinson.
For context, Shaprio and Boreing co-founded the Daily Wire. Shapiro now serves as editor emeritus out of Flordia while most of the employees -- including Owens -- are based at the Nashville office.
After the episode with Carlson aired, Shapiro responded to Owens by telling her to "quit" the Daily Wire if she believes the job comes between her and God.
Owens responded by telling Shapiro he has been "acting unprofessional and emotionally unhinged for weeks now."
There's a lot to unpack here.
So, here's my opinion.
Full disclosure: I met Shapiro in Nashville a few years ago. I've interviewed him several times. I like him. I appreciate what he has built. He has been very complimentary of my work.
I also like Owens and have great respect for what she stands for. She is both bold and informed, though I don't agree with her opinion on this particular war. (Here is my opinion on the topic.)
But I don't believe Shapiro is telling Owens to quit because he wants her to leave the company.
Rather, he appears to be saying that if what she is insinuating is true, she shouldn't work for a place that compromises her relationship with God.
In fact, I believe Shapiro would rather Owens stay at the company.
As Owens told Carlson, Shapiro and the Daily Wire allow its commentators to disagree. They encourage it.
And Owens and Shapiro have disagreed on plenty in the past.

Shapiro was originally for the Covid-19 vaccine; he is no longer. Owens always opposed it.
Shapiro last year called rapper Kanye West an anti-Semite after he accused a Jewish cabal of trying to undermine his business intentions. Owens defended West, who is also a personal friend of hers.
To see them disagreeing is not new. It just seems more personal this time around.
Ultimately, the media needs more debate, not less.
It is productive when people who work together disagree, particularly those who are part of the same conservative movement, as these two are.
So, we certainly hope this disagreement doesn't cause Owens to leave the Daily Wire.
The company is impressive and building an alternative media-sphere, delving into films, children's content, and documentaries.
The stronger the Daily Wire is, the stronger the alternative media market is. That behooves all of us. The Daily Wire is stronger with Candace Owens. Any media company would be, for that matter.
That said, her future there does seem to be a question.