Director Werner Herzog Has Hilarious Take On First Half Hour Of 'Barbie,' Calls It 'Sheer Hell'

I didn't see either one of last summer's biggest blockbusters, Barbie and Oppenheimer. 

With Oppenheimer, I was really interested in the subject matter, but I really need to be in the right frame of mind for a flick that long. As for Barbie, it just didn't seem like it'd be my cup of tea. It seemed a little too pink and a little too preachy. 

The latter movie became wildly polarizing, with people either hating its pink and flowery guts or loving it so much they made it their personality.

German director Werner Herzog gave his take on Barbie in an interview with Piers Morgan, and it's the best review of a movie I've ever heard.

I mean, what else should we expect from the man behind the documentary Grizzly Man, the best documentary ever made about a guy who didn't realize fooling around with grizzly bears was a bad idea?

Herzog was asked if he had seen Oppenheimer or Barbie.

"I have not seen Oppenheimer yet, but I will do it. Barbie, I managed to see the first half-hour," Herzog told Morgan, per Deadline. "I was curious, and I wanted to watch it because I was curious. And I still don’t have an answer, but I have a suspicion…" 

His suspicion is one of the funniest things I've heard in a minute.

"…Could it be that the world of Barbie is sheer hell? For a movie ticket, as an audience, you can witness sheer hell, as close as it gets."

Herzog has one of the great voices of our time. If after hearing that you're not going to walk around your house for the rest of the day saying, "For a movie ticket, as an audience, you can witness sheer hell" in a breathy German accent, then we are very different people.

Herzog didn't elaborate on whether he meant watching the movie itself was "sheer hell" or if he meant it was representative of hell in a symbolic sense.

I'm inclined to think the latter, and so was Morgan.

"Trust me, let me spare you the horror," Morgan said. "I watched the whole thing and it is hell. I completely concur with your initial assessment after half an hour. And I would definitely recommend you don’t put yourself through the rest of it."

Now, I'm going to need Mr. Herzog to take one of the team and sit through the rest of Barbie, because I think we would all like to hear his full review.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.