Saving A Dog, Jacked Goats And Depressing Basketball | Weekend Recap

Another awesome weekend is in the books, and we all know what that means.

It's time for another great OutKick Weekend Recap.

As always, you can send all your content to me at or on X at @dhookstead. We're several months into this journey that is the Weekend Recap, and it's been a ton of fun. Let's keep it rolling.

Honestly, last week was chaos pretty much from start to finish. First, I had to rush into traffic to save a dog that had gotten loose before a car could hit and kill it.

Whenever given the chance to save a dog, you have to do it. Dog's name was Bruno. He was on the older side, but still full of energy.

Then, I had to do jury duty, and I'll be the first to admit I was excited. Crime is out of control in Washington, D.C., and I was excited to get a look under the hood. Unfortunately, the case I was in the pool for was a complete joke and a disgrace to our justice system. It's hard to put into words how much I dislike the leadership in Washington, D.C., the justice system here and how the city is run as a whole. It's a joke that will kill your faith in government. What went from an interesting and exciting experience was honestly just depressing and deflating. I'll leave it at that.

As for the rest of my weekend, I watched the Badgers get their teeth kicked in by Illinois. What an absolute dumpster fire of a team. At some point, you have to wonder when it's time to throw in the towel.

Just completely unacceptable play from Wisconsin over the past several weeks.

OutKick readers dominate another weekend.

Why not start off with some great dog content again? If you don't love dogs, then you're on the wrong website.

Kathy is all about mowing the lawn over the weekend. Something tells me she's probably a big fan of Joe Kinsey!

Beer and baseball? What more could a man ever want?

Not going to lie. I legit chuckled pretty hard at this.

Just guys being dudes.

We have some baseball and softball going on!

Prepping for spring!

Dave, a Weekend Recap regular, ran a 10K. Good for him. He must be in better shape than me because there's no chance in hell I'd do well running a 10K right now. Props to you, David. Keep crushing it.

It's always a good time to get right with God.

Pour one out for this guy. I hope he at least got to enjoy an airport beer at the bar.

We have an OutKick listener soaking up our podcasts all the way out near Reno. You all should be doing the exact same!

Stuff like this really makes me smile, and those goats look JACKED.

Nice bike!

Soccer during college basketball season? Bold, but we'll allow it.

For Steve's sake, I hope he's a Villanova fan.

I absolutely hate shoveling, and anyone who says differently is lying.

You simply can't beat nature. Being outdoors is a natural cure to a lot of issues. Spend more time doing it!

While I'm sure David (great name) enjoys Disney World, I can't stand theme parks. I absolutely hate them. Agree or disagree? Let me know at

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Nobody does food better than OutKick readers.

Thoughts and prayers to Dallas. Sounds like he had himself….a bit of a rough weekend with his woman. We've all been there.

I can taste this photo and it tastes delicious!

If it's going to storm, you might as well have some great mezcal. Seriously, if you're not already drinking a great smoky mezcal, I suggest you start.

An all-American weekend if I've ever seen one!

We're all pulling for your cat to get better!

That is it for the latest Weekend Recap. Make sure to keep sending your stuff and always feel free to reach out to

Written by
David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.