WTF? Walmart To Begin Charging For Guaranteed Self-Checkout Option

Walmart will begin charging people an extra fee if they want to use their self-service checkout. 

Those that want to take their sweet old time and scan and bag their own products will now have to purchase a Walmart+ subscription, which is around $99 for the entire year. Some Walmart locations have already started enacting the new policy, with many on social media not happy with the change or the absurdness that one has to now pay even more just to bag their own products!

So you're telling me I have to pay YOU in order for ME to do YOUR work. Gotcha. Yeah, I think I'm good and don't need to shop at Walmart anytime soon.

Walmart will now begin charging to use their self service checkout. Photo credit: Reddit: /walmart


What's crazier about the whole thing is that the company had previously downsized their cashiers and ya know, actual humans, in order to pay homage to their digital overlord checkout machines. As a result, some locations only have a small number of regular checkout aisles. 

So what's the company planning on doing? Make you pay for what they claim is an enjoyable user experience (It's not…) where you can stand behind some old person who has no idea what they're doing. Do you realize the amount of time that passes by as people struggle to find the damn QR code on their products? It sure was a lot easier when a regular cashier did it in just a few seconds!


Walmart says it is not forcing anyone to purchase the Walmart+ pay service and cautions that there will still be some self-checkout aisles for free - but that it's up to the manager's discretion. Anyone reading this knows exactly what that means - you're going to be screwed if you don't pay up for the service. The company is going to make it such an annoying, long, time-consuming process by either having a limited number of self-service ones or by having to wait now in longer lines. 

Can't wait to see the fist fights that happen now with more people ticked off!

Meanwhile, other stores like Target and Dollar General have started cutting back on their service checkout machines as well. Not because of any greedy, profit motivation, but because there has been a tremendous rise in shoplifting - much of which comes from the self-service section. 

Here's some advice for Walmart, Target, Dollar General and other stores that are following suit: It's not the self-service checkout that was encouraging people to shoplift. It's that you don't allow your employees or security guards to do ANYTHING about it. 

Walmart is crazy if it thinks that cutting back on the number of checkout machines is going to reduce crime - criminals aren't going to wait in line anyway. Instead, it's the average person that will be affected as always, but at least I'll still be $99 richer after not buying Walmart+ on sheer principle alone.  


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Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.