Wake Up With Jacqueline Fransway, Trevor Lawrence Chases Sunsets & Umps Check Position Players
I knew it would be hard to get back into the groove after disappearing from the Internet for five days, but things appear to be the same as when I left
What did I learn Monday upon returning to work from the big golf trip I was on? I learned that the NFL is now on a gay crusade to gay up the league and jump on the Pride marketing bandwagon a year after jumping on the BLM bandwagon. Monday, in an Instagram post, the league made sure to tell us "Football is gay" and "Football is lesbian" and "Football is queer."
In other words, be prepared for the league's social media channels to beat you over the head that it's incredibly pro-gay, that it's the most pro-gay league in sports history. The NFL is about to claim that it's so pro-gay that it will be impossible for another league to out pro-gay the shield.
This reminds me of last fall when the NFL's Instagram editor made sure to honor social justice heroes, including a woman in Wisconsin who falsely claimed she was attacked with lighter fluid and set on fire in a racist attack. The NFL was going to out-social justice warrior the other leagues, no matter what. There wouldn't be bigger warriors than inside the Shield offices.
The NFL had its run with breast cancer, then a social justice hero movement, and now the gays can step right up to the plate as the league rallies around its latest cause. Let's never forget what the Shield loves more than life itself -- cold hard cash. So that means you're about to be bombarded with its latest marketing ploy that it'll dump a year from now when Roger's people have squeezed every last penny out of people.
• I came back from the golf trip and noticed many more people mentioning how miserable they are with social media. And then I started thinking about how many of you told me over the last few months -- via email -- how you dumped all social media and the happiness it brought to your life. It's freaking June and people are straight-up miserable due to social media. I can't stress enough how you should pass the word about the Screencaps/TNML movement. I'm like you guys, the last thing I want is to get my day started with misery.
• Brian McG writes:
Your article this morning inspired me to tell you a story about 3 generations of golf trips.
Like you, we went on our annual trip last week with this year's venue being Pronghorn Resort near Bend, OR. 52 years ago my friend's dad started a trip with 12 guys from Chico, CA. He ran his trip for a complete 50 years, retiring the tradition in 2019. In one of their early years they even played Pebble Beach for $24!! 31 years ago my friend followed his dad's lead and started a trip of his own, borrowing the name Bushwood for this annual adventure. Last year's event was unfortunately cancelled because of Covid so this was our 30th version. 10 years ago my friend's two sons started their own trip as well and to celebrate, this year our two groups combined and all descended on Pronghorn.
I share all of this because on our final night banquet we had 45 guys telling stories of what attending these trips have meant to them over the years. Collectively 90 total trips provided a lot of material about a brotherhood of sorts. Of course there were lots of laughs, memories of good and bad golf, friends we have lost, and relationships that perhaps would never be if it hadn't been for these getaway golf trips. I'm no writer but I've often wondered if there is a screenplay or something in all of this.
We made our way from CA to Gaylord 4 years ago and followed a similar itinerary to you. Next year we are taking the show to Sand Valley where we were set to go in 2020.
Keep up the great writing and glad you too got to be away from it all for a handful of days!
• Here are the top five BBQ cities in the U.S., according to the research team at LawnStarter.com:
The five worst cities for BBQ are:
• I'm throwing around the idea in my head to start a neighborhood kickball tourney for the kids. Any of you have experience with one of these? I'm thinking 4-5 kids per team, but after that, I'm not sure what's ideal as far as innings, run-rules, whether I should erect a snow fence for home runs, etc. I'm also contemplating a one-time per-game rule where teams get to pick a dad to use as a kicker.
I'm thinking tailgating tents, coolers, maybe a whiteboard to keep score. Tell me about your experience in this type of thing. My kids are already jacked up over this idea, so now I'm in too deep and have to make it a reality.
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com