Guy Goes Viral For Rant About Pricey McDonald's Hashbrowns

The prices at the Golden Arches are a hot-button issue these days. So much so that if either presidential candidate has a plan to do something about it could win them the election.

Trump is a big McDonald's guy. If he went onstage and said, "Let me tell you, the prices at McDonald's are out of control — they're out of control. Three dollars for a hashbrown? You've got be kidding me. Thank Sleepy Joe for that one," you'd see him shoot up in the polls.

At the very least he might get this dude's vote.

Last month, Orlando-based realtor Freddie Smith hopped on everyone's favorite social media platform that is definitely not a front for the Chinese Communist Party to steal or info or feed us whatever info they want, TikTok, to voice his frustrations about rising McD's prices.

His minute-and-change riff about hashbrowns has been seen over 3 million times.

"You know s--t’s messed up when McDonald’s is becoming a luxury in this country," he said before pointing to hashbrowns being $3 a pop.

"Then people are going to comment and say, ‘Oh, now you’re all complaining about McDonald's; all you do is complain and whine," he said. "When are you going to start complaining?"

Well, I for one have also been complaining. In the last year, I don't think I've properly guesstimated a McDonald's order. I used to be good at this, but now I'm on a serious dry spell. That's because the prices so exorbitant and I haven't been able to recalibrate my price-guessing sense. 

Not too long ago, my girlfriend and I got bagel sandwiches (which were burnt), hashbrowns, coffees, and this pastry thing she wanted to try.

I had a 20 ready to go — because it's Mc-F---king-Donald's — but the total came out to $27.

I could've gotten a bagel sandwich that wasn't burnt for less than that.

The broader point of Smith's rant was that if the price of something as simple as a McDonald's hashbrowns is so high, how about the average cost of things like houses? How about rent?

At what point does this get so insane that people stop paying it? 

Clearly, $27 for burnt bagels wasn't a bridge too far for me, but our usual spot was closed and we were in a bagel mood.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.