Violent Pro-Palestinian Mob Fights Police Outside Of DNC Headquarters: VIDEO
An aggressive pro-Palestinian mob battled with police in Washington D.C. Wednesday night outside the headquarters of the DNC.
The anti-Israel mob made up of hundreds of people fought with police in violent fashion outside of the building and many were wearing "Cease Fire Now" shirts, according to the New York Post.
Videos of the mayhem and carnage unfolding show police overwhelmed and doing everything possible to beat back the mob.
You can see some of the incredibly disturbing footage below, and send me your thoughts to
Police battle violent anti-Israel mob in Washington D.C. outside of the DNC.
The Capitol Police announced Wednesday night that officers were "making arrests" to get control of those "illegally and violently protesting."
The police later announced Wednesday night that six officers had been injured in the process of putting down the mob.
The mob's behavior couldn't be more different than what people saw earlier in the week when tens of thousands gathered in the nation's capital to support Israel and rally against Hamas.
There was no violence, people weren't beaten, the attendees didn't fight the cops and the entire thing was incredibly peaceful as songs and pro-Israel chants broke out with gusto.
You also didn't see people covering their faces to hide their identity at the pro-Israel rally. That point can't be driven home enough. Why does one side - the anti-Israel side - cover their faces?

Thousands of people rallied peacefully in Washington D.C. in support of Israel. A violent pro-Palestinian mob fought police outside the DNC Wednesday night. The difference is noticeable. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
I feel like I've said this many times, but it needs to be said again. The violence and carnage must end. It can't be tolerated in a free society. Yet, it just keeps happening.