Unusually Dangerous Starbucks-Branded Mugs Recalled After Injuring 10 People

I, like most people, have a cabinet full of coffee mugs. I don't think anything of it. I wake up, stumble to the coffee maker throw some McDonald's dark roast in the Keurig, and finally grab a mug and fill it.

I am batting 1.000 with this routine so far, but I didn't realize that this routine is so treacherous, that I should be doing it while wearing an Evel Knievel jumpsuit. 

That's because one wrong mug could spell disaster… or at least a minor burn. One such mug has been recalled after hitting the double-digit mark as far as casualties.

The mug in question is a metallic-coated ceramic mug with a Starbucks logo that was on sale last year, however, I'm going to refer to it as "The Widowmaker."

According to Fox 11 Los Angeles, Nestlé USA is recalling 440,500 of these mugs which were sold as part of gift sets both in-store and online at Walmart and Target.

The problem is that somewhere along the design process, someone forgot how science works. The heat from the coffee was making the mugs expand, which caused the mugs to shatter.

This catastrophic design flaw — and a hell of a way to start your morning on the wrong foot — led to more than a dozen instances of the mugs reportedly shattering. Of those, there have been at least 10 instances of people being hurt. Burns, blisters, and lacerations were all reported with at least one victim needing medical attention.

That's a bummer, but it's good they caught it. I mean, a mug has one job and that is to hold liquids without shattering. 

If they can't do that, they're no good.

Unless of course, you're looking for a personal injury payday in which case, cha-ching!

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.