University Of Nebraska To Host 90,000 Fans For Garth Brooks; Football Season Will Be Lit

If you've got friends in low places, well, tell them all to come to the football stadium at the University of Nebraska this August. And tell them to bring their friends in low places, too.

That's because Garth Brooks' concert scheduled for Memorial Stadium in Lincoln is open to everyone -- which, in the case of Memorial Stadium, is 90,000 fans.

The concert is scheduled for Saturday, August 14, and is part of Brooks' summer stadium tour.

"This will be the first concert at Memorial Stadium in 12 years, dating back to a Larry the Cable Guy show on July 4, 2009," the University of Nebraska revealed in a statement. "The last musical performance at Memorial Stadium was Farm Aid III in 1987. 

Tickets go on sale Friday and can be purchased one of three ways:

•    Online at 
•    On the Garth Brooks line at Ticketmaster, 1-877-654-2784
•    Through the Ticketmaster App on your phone. 

Brooks' stadium tour is also scheduled to stop everywhere from Cheyenne, Wyo., to Pittsburgh to Gainesville, Fla. You can check out the full slate here.