University Medical Center In El Paso, Texas Distributes Dummy Dose Of The COVID Vaccine
University Medical Center in El Paso, Texas posed for a video shoot of COVID vaccines being distributed to first responders. Sounds heartwarming--until the video showed that the dose was empty. It's like the doctor didn't actually want the vaccine, so he agreed to get poked for some airtime.
You be the judge.
First off, look at this ding-a-ling injecting sweet nothings into the arm of one of our first responders. Everyone clapped like the recipient was a hero for giving in to big pharma. That's the type of pressure anti-COVID vaxxers will see in the coming months. Why turn down a vaccination for a disease you have a 99.7% chance of surviving when you can be cheered like a war hero for giving in? Not saying anyone should agree to the vaccination or not, but we shouldn't make one side a hero when they're not.
It's really too bad that the people clapping in the background haven't realized that the mask-wearing and social-distancing don't end after this injection. Unbiased reality is that literally nothing changed and the results are completely unknown.
Lastly, the thumbs up at the end of this video should make our day. The most "I'm a good boy right?" thumbs up in the history of mankind . America is becoming a place where we celebrate minds that lack curiosity or people in general that refuse to ask questions. Where are we headed?