U.K. Schools Allow Students To Identify As Cats, Horses, Dinosaurs & Even The Moon: Report
It's not just your school system that's a mess.
Let's go over to the U.K. where a report from The Telegraph paints a picture of a school system that is allowing students to identify as cats and it has led to an incident where a student at a school in Wales is said to "meow" when answering questions from a teacher.
In another incident, tensions boiled over when a 13-year-old girl was labeled "despicable" by a teacher after the girl dared to question a classmate's claim that she identifies as a cat, according to The Daily Mail.
Now the stories are rolling in from across the country. One student is said to be identifying as a dinosaur. Another claims to be a horse. If that isn't crazy enough, one student reportedly wears a cape and wants to be recognized as a moon.

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"In the current climate this cannot be dismissed as innocent examples of 'imaginative play', but further examples of the confusing and harmful ideologies which are continuing to escalate in our schools," Andrea Williams, chief executive of Christian Concern, told the Daily Mail.
"This story exposes the confusion and untruths being embedded in schools which are developing into a public health crisis."
Meanwhile, here in the U.S., one Florida school district has banned students from wearing "furry" clothing accessories including tails and ears to hopefully stop a trend of students "barking, grunting and meowing" at each other while at school.
Brevard County schools general counsel Paul Gibbs told the board he is confused by the trend, but noted that students wore dog collars when he was in school. Yeah, but, “They weren’t trying to be a dog, though,” a board member reportedly told Gibbs.
And there you have the current state of education in the developed world where the normal parents and students have to put up with the chaos of the losers who can't get in line with how a sophisticated populace lives life.
A year ago, Slate said that this furry drama is "fake news" being pushed by "so-called parental rights advocates."
Nothing to see here, Slate reported. This is just political propaganda being pushed by the right. Don't be frightened. This is just anti-trans behavior. On and on and on.

But if you listen to the schools, they do say this craziness is becoming an issue. In 2021, at a Kentucky school, students were said to be barking at each other and destroying soap dispensers in the restrooms.
Because TikTok told them to.
But, hey, trust Slate, everything is fine.
But...but...but...this is all overblown. Trust Slate. Trust the libs. Trust the weirdo parents who push their kids to be weirdos who then want everyone to cater to their weirdo behavior.
Back in the U.K., citizens are still processing a video secretly recorded where a teacher allegedly tells a girl she's "really despicable" and "very sad" for questioning her classmate's claim that she's a cat.
Good times.