Trump Attorney Alina Habba Talks Viral Bikini Pics, Fast Food, And Faith On OutKick The Morning

Alina Habba, an attorney who currently represents former president Donald Trump, joined OutKick's Charly Arnolt on the latest episode of OutKick The Morning.

They covered a lot of ground and Habba offered some insights on a wide range of topics from a viral photo of her in a bikini, her go-to fast food order, and even her faith.

Let's get rolling with that viral bikini photo. Arnolt keyed in on the fact that Habba said she hates working out and brought up the picture of her that went viral.

For whatever reason, Habba wearing a bikini to — of all places — the pool, ruffled some feathers.

"I am 39-years-old," Habba said. "I'm not dead yet and I most certainly am not going to wear a suit to the pool. I am entitled to be a human being sometimes and wear a dress that's maybe a little shorter than what I would wear to court, but I always think I dress tastefully, and to anyone who cares to make comments on what I wear. Find a life."

I concur, find a life.

Habba Talks Her Frankenstein Fast Food Meal

Arnolt and Habba also touched on the latter's affinity for fast food, something she shares with former president Trump.

"I love McDonald's," Habba said. 

"Me too!" Charly said.

That's when Habba said if it was up to her, she'd get the fries from the Golden Arches, but a burger from Burger King. While that was at first presented as a hypothetical, Habba quickly admitted to having done this exact thing.

"I have done it, but the way before; I don't put it beneath me?"

You will hear no shame coming from me on this topic. I respect the time devotion that is required to Frankenstein your own fast food meal like that. This is a pro move for people who know their way around drive-thru menu boards.

However, if there's a time crunch, and Habba doesn't have time to sit in the McD's drive-thru and then wheel it across town for some flame-broiled Burger King goodness, she still has a go-to item at McDonald's.

"Big Mac, I would eat a Big Mac," she said. "And I can eat a lot."

Habba Shares The Number One Piece Of Advice That Has Resonated With Her

Alina Habba is obviously a very successful attorney and so Charly asked her what she would say was the best piece of advice she had been given over the years that really resonated with her and that she thinks might be important for the next generation of American professionals.

Her answer? Be humble.

"Whenever anyone stops me, whenever, those moments are when you have to be the most humble," she explained.

Habba also talked about the importance of her belief in God.

"I believe in God, number one, I believe that there's something bigger than myself," she said. "I find that people that don't have a lack of moral compass, and I think this country needs a little bit more of that right now for our kids' sake so they stay confident, and they stay humble. 

"Because this is God's plan, it's not my plan. I'm just here for the ride doing the best I can and I'm gonna try to be the kindest person I can while I do it."

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.