Tow Truck Drivers Brawl With Police Over An Order Of McDonald's French Fries

There aren't many things more overrated than McDonald's french fries.  I have them in the lower half of my top ten fast food restaurant french fry rankings at best.

I'll take fries from Burger King, Arby's, Chick-Fil-A, Bojangles and Wendy's - just to name a few - over McDonald's french fries any day.  That doesn't mean some people don't prefer the offering found at the Golden Arches.

Among that group is a percentage, although likely very small, that is willing to fight over an order of McDonald's french fries.  A few tow truck drivers in Virginia proved that they were in this elite club on Thursday night.

An altercation broke out between tow truck drivers from Ace's Towing and staff members at a McDonald's in Falmouth, Virginia.  It all started with a man pushing 50 complaining about his french fry order.

The situation escalated to an eventual brawl with police officers that resulted in the arrest of several tow truck drivers and visits to the hospital for two police officers.  In other words, a completely reasonable event.  Did I mention there was an issue with the man's french fry order?

If you're not willing to brawl with police officers over that, what will it take?  Fast food restaurants forcing you to eat cheeseburgers with everything on it?  I live with a household of people who would do battle over that.  Not me, I'm a grown up.  I eat my food with everything that comes on it.

It's unclear if the fries were cold or if someone forgot to put a stroke-incuding amount of salt on them, but for whatever reason, 48-year-old Jamie Morris filed a complaint with the staff.  When the fry situation wasn't resolved to his satisfaction, the confrontation escalated.

Five Tow Truck Drivers Arrested After Brawl With Police Over McDonald's French Fry Order

The police were called out just before 6:30 pm on Thursday night over reports of an altercation in the McDonald's lobby involving 10 people.  Management had asked the upset customer and his Ace's Towing co-workers to leave and they refused.

Staff and a customer who stepped in to help them were going at it with the tow truck drivers when officers arrived on the scene.  According to Sheriff’s Maj. Shawn Kimmitz, 36-year-old William Morris Jr. was eventually informed that he was under arrest for trespassing.

Morris processed the news and took off.  He didn't make it very far before he was tackled and handcuffed by a deputy.  After Morris was taken to a patrol car, an "irate mob" of tow truck drivers surrounded the deputy.

The mob of tow truck drivers shouted obscenities before being dispersed with pepper spray.  As one of the tow truck drivers was being detained, police say that 27-year-old Jamie Ragland grabbed an officer around the neck and threw him to the ground.

He was tasered and handcuffed for his chokeslam.  Officers from the Fredericksburg Police Department and Virginia State Police were also called to the scene to provide assistance.  When all was said and done, five tow truck drivers had been arrested, and two officers required visits to a local hospital.

The alleged chokeslammer received a felony charge of assault on a law-enforcement officer.  The other four, William Morris Jr., Jamie Morris, William Morris Sr., and Monica Morris were charged with misdemeanor offenses that include obstruction of justice and trespassing.

Now that's how you add some entertainment to your dinner at McDonald's.  Say what you want about these guys, they know how to have a night out together.

Now I have to know.  Are McDonald's french fries worth brawling with the police over?  Let me know

My gut tells me no, but I'll leave this up to the people.  And if your answer is no, is there food that you're willing to go to battle over?  I can't think of one off the top of my head, but let me know either way.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.