Tiffani Amber Thiessen Whips Up A Surprise In The Kitchen, NFL Morons & Blind Guy Leaves Early
The OutKick growth strategy is working!
- Kent in Abilene, TX writes:
I found your Outkick contribution regarding blue haired lesbians envy over Sidney Sweeney’s ample rack to be hilarious! And spot on!
While reading your article, I could only chuckle when thinking about the envy Paige Spiranac must be experiencing with such continued focus on Sidney Sweeney’s boobs! And Sidney isn’t even known for her golfing skills!
Let the boob "wars" begin.
And keep up your poignant analyses!
I think this is what Kent's referencing:
What a great first email from Kent. The guy was clicking around the Internet and there it was, analysis that he'd been waiting for his entire life.
I could've started this morning by saying how MY Bengals aren't dead yet. I could've started off the morning by opining on Dan Campbell calling for the onside kick with 12 minutes left in the 4th quarter and how the analytics can't possibly say it's better to onside than play defense in that spot.
I could write about how Justin Herbert was pulled with 195 yards passing when many gamblers played +200 yards passing for Herbert.
Those are all incredible talking points, but that's not what built this column.
What built this column was the daily conversation we have amongst each other about life. The sports are typically secondary.
That's why I started off this Monday with Kent.
It reminds me why I get up and do this six-days-a-week. You guys need analysis you're not going to get anywhere else. If that means I have to go in on the blue-haired lesbians over Sydney Sweeney's rack from time to time, then that's what I'm going to do.
Welcome, Kent.
By the way, what's up with all the weird piercings and bolts these weirdos have rammed through their mouths and lips?
Between the Starbucks drive-thru chick with the bolts sticking through her lips and the nonbinary GeekSquad guy(?) Eli at Best Buy with all sorts of shit hanging out of his nose last night, I find myself thanking God more often that my kids are what I consider normal.
I'm thankful Screencaps Jr. can run the point on his 5th and 6th grade basketball game and pretty much look like he knows what he's doing with the ball.
I was talking to a retiree neighbor last week about life and he mentioned how nice it is to see our kids always out playing, running the neighborhood and shooting baskets in the driveway. That might've been the highest honor I've received in a long time.
You're just getting old.
True, but you can't honestly say that the bolted mouth look is a good look.
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com
What are my thoughts on Belichick?
- Rick R. says:
Mr Caps. Gotta know your thoughts on a 72-year-old banging a 26-year-old hottie and still getting job opportunities. Man, this country is amazingly wonderful.
- I think Jordon is 24. Wild, right?
- I'll say it again: We're damn lucky to call this place home.
- As someone who has kept tabs on Belichick away from the field for over a decade, it doesn't surprise me that Bill went out and got himself a retirement Ferrari. This is like the retired guy down the street upgrading from his Honda Accord to a brand-new Corvette.
- The coaching thing smells of a chance for Bill to do something for Jordon. It's highly likely they'll get a Deion-like reality show and Jordon will raise her public profile as the coach's wife/girlfriend. She wants to be a star and this is a safe place to do it without the stress of the NFL.
Have you noticed more women driving men around town?
- Chris A. has thoughts:
Yeah, I'm one of those guys whose wife drives when we're both in the car. She hates the way I drive (I go ten miles over the speed limit on the highway and maintain speed the best I can, she will get stuck behind the slowest people and slows down when approaching a green stop light), so I sit in the passenger seat and read. It's great on long trips for taking in the scenery and catching a nap, but the trips take twice as long due to her, let's say, "caution".
I'll bet a lot of the slovenly guys have suspended licenses due to DUIs, going 60 in a 30, and other dumb stuff, and the girlfriends are the outwardly together types who can't resist a rehab project.
Back in the day, my dad drove all the time on trips, but my mom was the one to drive me to school, so it doesn't matter to me who drives. But I like to get where I'm going in a hurry with minimal stops. It's not that way with the missus behind the wheel.
- Grumpy Dean in Monroe, GA has something to say:
I gotta get this off my chest... turkey/chicken is not sausage! Its a feminist plot to destroy Merika. If someone thinks its a healthy alternative its plain bullshit. What say the SC crew? Next someone will say ground turkey/chicken tastes good.My old man would look at u like u were an idiot for eating that shot and calling it sausage.
Regarding the women driving, very early on in my relationship( 38yrs) my woman nagged me about my driving, i pulled over and said " here, u drive" from then on she did a lot of the driving. Maybe 70/30. One of the reasons was she refused to learn how to read a map or understand hwy numbering( north/ south), it took for rver to get her to use google maps so i as often the navigator.
- Jeff in Texas emails:
I'm probably not the only one that lets his wife drive everywhere for one good reason. If she is driving I'm not getting bitched at for my driving, even though in my opinion her driving is worse than mine. And her road rage is kind of funny to witness.
Merry Christmas to you and the entire 'Caps community,
- Keith says he knows what's going on:
I have also noticed way more women driving with men in the passenger seat. Even some very close friends let their wife drive them around. I know for 2 of them, it's because the women get car sick easier when they aren't driving, so they just drive all the time. Maybe that's it? Society is fine with it, so the ladies these days just drive instead of deal with the car sickness?
For me, I always drive, unless I've been drinking... and even then I know I'm a way better driver than my wife!
- Hans has a reason why his wife drives him around:
I do route sales for a living and drive around all week going from store to store while my wife works from home so on the weekends she drives me and the family everywhere. Doesn't make me any less of a man. I just need a break from constantly driving.
I'm not saying there's a chance, but there's still a chance
Here's an idea: Don't lose to the Patriots in September and win when you score 30+ multiple times.
Bar crawling the South Jersey shore
- Bear writes:
Bear and the Philly boys are back at it. Holiday stress is at an all-time high with the wife complaining about outdoor lights, gifts and what I am making for Christmas dinner. What better way then partaking in a Saturday afternoon Christmas pub crawl. Me and the boys hit up the Jersey shore (South Jersey the real shore) and did some day drinking. What a great day and an even better way to handle the stress. Here are some pics. A lot of the bars were decorated and
I was intrigued by the ceilings. We ended the evening with some fantastic cream doughnuts. Epic day, now back to reality.

The State of Travel Ball in NW North Dakota where you literally have to travel to play ball because there are so few kids to go around in that part of the country
- Nate in Crosby, ND checks in:
Hey Joe, I heard you were wondering what has been going on with your readers in NW ND. I have a travel ball update for you. First, my wife and I coach my son's junior high basketball team, as well as our daughter's 5th grade travel ball team. I also coach varsity football, and varsity boys and girls track in the spring.
I don't recommend coaching three sports in one school year, but I knew what I was getting into when I volunteered to do both. I wanted to give you a list of the things I love and the things I hate about travel ball.
The things I hate about travel ball.
- Too many games and not enough practices. Gym space is really hard to come by for us, but you need to teach kids how to jump stop and pivot before you can put in the five out read and react offense. Most travel ball kids don't get the practice time they need.
- Attrition starts sooner the earlier you start competitive sports. There will always be kids that want to try sports, but after a year or two they decide it's not for them. We started with eight and we are down to six two years later.
- The travel ball younger sibling. The younger brother or sister is left in the bleachers all day with an i-pad or a backpack of toys while the older brother or sister plays ball all day. What a miserable experience for that kid.
- Cool Guy Coaches. You know the guys I'm talking about. Matching Jordan sweatsuit and hat on backwards. No high school or junior high would ever hire this guy to assist in their lower ranks. He has found a niche teaching the kids about the Momba Mentality because they watched a Netflix documentary on Kobe ten years ago.
- High School/College kid refs. Reffing a 4th or 5th grade travel ball game seems to be beneath them. Please make some damn calls! Call the moving screens, travels, hand checking, and over the backs. Thats how the kids are going to learn. I want the refs to make the calls on my team too when they commit a foul or turn the ball over.
- Over the top parents. These are the people coaching their kids from the stands or yelling at the referees. Let the coaches coach, and the refs ref. Sit back and enjoy the game and be happy your kids is playing.
Things I love about travel ball.
My daughter loves playing. She improves every time we practice or play. More importantly her team is getting better.
Where to eat Mexican food in San Diego
- Joe P. shares:
My Burrito Joint of choice:
El Rey Moro
4471 Clairemont Mesa Blvd
San Diego, CA 92117
Great "Fancy" Mexican Place:
El Comal
3946 Illinois St
San Diego, CA 92104
Recommendation: Get a Marlin Taco, octopus taco, and their mole.
Best "-bertos"
Al "bertos" but Hum "bertos" is right behind it.
- Jim in San Diego says:
Old Town is, of course, touristy - and yet The Old Town Mexican Cafe is pretty damn good. Locals still go there.
ANY of the Roberto's Taco Shops will do - there's one in Bay Park, just a few minutes north of downtown, at the corner of Morena Boulevard and Frankfort.
Also Cotija's on Voltaire Street, between Ocean Beach and Point Loma is a gem.
And in Pacific Beach is Mr. Ruribertos on MIssion Blvd. and MIssion Bay Drive. Parking will suck, but the tacos will be worth it.
And don't forget the food trucks - too many to list, and they move around. If you see a cluster of 3-5 food trucks, with little umbrellas set up, and they're busy - that's a great sign!
Joe: You may need to get out here to lead a proper Taco Shop crawl. The key will be pacing - you simply cannot go into the first joint and order "Combinacion Once" to get started. That's going to be about 2,200 calories right there, and you're comatose before we even get to the second place. No, you order two street tacos at the first place, some rolled tacos and the second stop, etc.
Note to Millennial Dalton D.:
San Diego doesn't need any stinkin' credentials to vouch for our Mexican food. What the hell does the U.N. know about Mexican food anyway? (I'm guessing about as much as they know about cease fires.) San Diego's Mexican food is it's own credential. I'm looking forward to Brian B.'s report after his February visit out here.
Best place I drank a beer
I had a job as senior editor at a large, coffee-table sized glossy magazine startup in the late 1980s that had delusions of being the next Rolling Stone. the owner / publisher, heir to a vast chemical fortune, flew us all to Bimini for Thanksgiving in 1987 to "get to know one another better." One day, he rented a charter boat to take us a few miles south to Gun Cay. It's a Coast Guard lighthouse on a small islet shaped like the number "8" - only at high tide, it becomes two islands! There's a beautiful atoll in the middle that's a couple acres in size but no more than chest high - so many fish, it was like snorkeling in an aquarium. He'd bought ham and cheese sandwiches at the dock, which came wrapped in foil. We buried them in the sand where the sun could heat them up over the course of the day, and the 5 of us also brought two coolers of Beck's Export.
Sitting on that little island in the Caribbean, eating the sun-baked ham sandwiches with the cheese melted all over the bread, washing it down with Beck's?
Yeah, that was it for me ...
San Diego Mexican food and the best places in the world you've had a beer
- John remembers:
I think the guys might be on to something with the San Diego Mexican food, even the food trucks on the Carrier pier make outstanding chow. But I found a place downtown, a hole in the wall called Pokeez. Food was terrific, guy said all his dishes were his mom and grandma's recipes.
I've had a beer on the beach in Beirut, surrounded by razor wire in a SeaBees compound, on Glass beach at Gitmo, the iguanas there love cheetos !! Had a few on a West German destroyer, those guys had a fridge in their berthing compartment. It was that good german beer that my American tolerance level wasn't ready for. Also had a couple on the flight deck of the USS Iwo Jima during a "steel beach " picnic.
A week of so back someone mentioned going drink for drink with the Red Army and said it was a bad idea, I can also say that trying to drink with Belgians is a bad idea, That was in Toulon France..... lord help me
it's going to 70 today !
- Franco remembers drinking a beer:
Wonder Lake Campground in Denali National Park. Wonder Lake is the closest point to Mount McKinley in Alaska. To get there you have to take a bus 80 miles down a dirt road from the entrance of the park.
The catch is that you can only bring what you can carry. When I boarded that bus with all my camping gear and a cooler with a case of Molson XXX, the people on the bus were in shock. Everyone was laughing at me due to the absurdity of what I was doing. I didn't care because beer was important to me. I was on vacation and wanted to have a good time in my own way.
The sun was up 24/7, and at low light the mountain was particularly beautiful. I drank two beers slowly every night before bed just staring at that mountain and soaking up nature. I hiked during the day and relaxed out in the middle of nowhere during the evening hours. There are no hiking trails in that park, so it's a bit intimidating. It was a wonderful experience I will always remember.
- Rob remembers:
Best place I’ve had a beer, two come to mind. The first is after being away from home for a month working in a dreary cold state ( looking at you Wisconsin) I was on a 6 am flight out of Milwaukee and the flight attendant asked me if I would like an upgrade to first class.
I kindly accepted and took my spot in the bigger and more comfortable seat up front. She then informed me that complimentary drinks came with the upgrade ( I promise this isn’t a Penthouse letter), how could I say no? I didn’t.
It may sound silly to say one ( or three) beers on a random flight is something you will remember, but drinking free beer in first class on a 6 am flight while leaving a cold snowy state to return to the beautiful west coast of Florida is one of my fondest.
A reaction to Chris Y. telling David in Illinois his breakfast burrito looked like Big Bird took a dump on a tortilla shell
- Tom in Alexandria, VA is still laughing:
The description Chris Y. gave about the David in Illinois breakfast burrito is hilarious because it is true! I am still laughing. Sometimes the truth hurts.

That's a wrap on this Monday. For those of us who will actually be working this week, let's keep the hammer down and show society how we can finish the year strong. I know there will be losers across this country slacking all week as they prepare for the holidays.
Don't fall into the trap. This is when we separate ourselves from the losers who get passed over for promotions. Hammer down.
Have a great day.
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com