Thursday Night Mowing League: The Playoffs Will Be Unlike Anything The League Has Ever Seen Before

Plot twist! The TNML playoffs just got real interesting

I warned you guys there was big news coming this week and now it's time for the biggest reveal as we head into the TNML playoff chase.

For the next four weeks (the official TNML season ends Sept. 28...I know, I live in the south and you'll be mowing for the next three months...blah, blah, think I really want to be staying up until midnight working on mowing posts in October when there are Thursday night NFL games, fellas?) the league WILL NOT be revealing the list of Top 5 Mowers in the United States.

The polls will be blind from here on out. No polls will be revealed. No indications of where you stand from here to the finish line.

And there's more!

One week out of the next four will count as DOUBLE POINTS towards the final TNML standings.

Let me do this in a list form so there are no doubts on where the league stands during the playoff chase:

Any questions?

Who wants the hardware? Go get it.


Commissioner Mowing Report

She's ready for the weekend.

National Mower of the Year Rankings

(See above!)

BUY! BUY! BUY! There are just TWO TNML items left in the store as the OutKick store goes through a summer liquidation...look at these prices!

Mowing Reports From Across The Country

I know Twitter says this is sensitive content. It's a friggin' commercial for TNML. It's awesome and totally worth your time.

• Tim G. in the 419 writes:

Another solid 4.5” cut on a beautiful Thursday night in the 419. Finished just after sunset with a little help from my friends. 

• Beau in Toledo writes:

Sorry for the late report... day off, slept in, Rulli Brothers coffee and Yuengling Light before 10 a.m., ManScaping and a long shower... You'll have that.

I have to admit, this is sort of a solemn  #TNML report.  The Last Mow of August.  Granted, this is a BEAUtiful time of year, but still.  (Michael Myers is looking over his shoulder in fear of Mariah Carey.)

Had to skip the Maumee Lawns this week... aeration and overseeding happened, and I had to let the seed settle, but it did give me time to get some Thursday Stripes down on the homestead with THE FrankenMower.  Leaf Season is approaching, so I have to make sure it's in tune, even though there will be a late season battery change.

I also hope that everyone got to check out their Stripes under the glow of #DatMoonYo !  Wow, was that an incredible sight (the pics i sent were taken with my phone at 1x and 30x zoom).  Looking at it and knowing that The Moon is around 226k miles away in perigee (250k in apogee) sorta gives me the enthusiasm I'd like to think the Apollo Crews had. 

I hope You and Yours and the Entire Incredibly Awesome #ThursdayNightMowingLeague have a great weekend!! 

Off to make a batch of salsa!

• Sean C. in Granger, IN writes:

It’s crazy to think I mowed my last Thursday of summer (unofficially of course). I know we still have a few weeks of technical summer, but Friday is the beginning of September. Boy did that sneak up on me. We’re getting to that point where the shadows are a little longer in the early evening. Where I am, due to weather and daylight hours, I’ll get 9 more Thursdays in. That puts me at November 2nd. November 5th is the end of daylight savings time (by the way, hasn't Clay got that changed yet??). So at that point, daylight hours will end my season, even if the weather is mild.

By the way, what is this? The Mega Mower Robot? On Outkick’s parent site no less? Time to have a Zoom meeting with the bosses. This feels like a direct shot to the TNML. I know we talked about commercial mowing vs residential, but I don’t like this as all.

Have a great long weekend to the community! Enjoy the summer weather one more time this season.

• Joe H. in Delaware, OH writes:

Good to have a no storms just stripes Thursday evening in the Buckeye state.  Off to kill some MFing yellow jackets.  Enjoy the holiday weekend, if you golf please wear shorts.  Corona was the beer of choice tonight.

Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.