The Hooters Girls Are Ready To Sling Super Bowl Wings, Clay & Lara At Super Bowl Party & The Wasted Open
Golfers: Have you had enough of the drunkenness at the Waste Management Open?
As a pro-debauchery content guy, I see scenes like what played out Saturday at the Wasted Open and I start thinking we have ourselves one helluva talking point: Has the tournament gone too far with the drunkenness?
Are you fine with at least one tournament on the schedule being the Preakness of the PGA? The Churchill Downs infield of the PGA? TPC Scottsdale, long ago, made the decision to be the frat house of the tour. That's fine. If your business model is to be the Sig Ep house, then lean into it. They have definitely leaned into it and now the results are in.
Based on how many emails I receive when I mention The Masters, I expect the inbox to be flooded with emotions on this topic.
• Steve from Sugar Land, TX writes:
200k people on Saturday, alcohol was cut-off at 2pm because the party was 10 times anything happening in Vegas, and the Mounties had everything under control, except for the bush, on the 16th.

Hey IG bots, the only reason I'm looking at my phone this morning is because it's SUPER BOWL SUNDAY and I'm working for the Best Readers In America
Other Super Bowl odds and ends:
• I have 6 and 6 for my 4th quarter squares in a rather large squares pool back in my hometown of Brookville, OH. The last time the Super Bowl ended in scores 6-6 was 1975 when Pittsburgh beat Minnesota 16-6. That's also the only Super Bowl to end in 6-6. It's due.
• Yes, I will be working tomorrow morning like the rest of you. The Super Bowl is also our Super Bowl. Just looking at the traffic this morning at 8:30 ET, it's impressive just how many of you will click like maniacs this time of year.
• Yes, I will be taking off some time coming up soon. Next weekend I will be disappearing. I might not open my phone. I haven't had a day off besides Sundays since early October. I'm beyond ready. It's hard to come up with new life stories if I'm sitting at a computer. It's time.
• The NFL Today show on CBS starts at 2 p.m. ET today in case you want to get comfortable for 8-9 hours of football coverage. Good luck to all of you today. It's a marathon, not a sprint. Have fun.
In case you guys didn't see it, the NY Times wrote favorably about OutKick on Saturday
Clay texted this one to me while I was at a 5th & 6th grade house basketball tournament game. I couldn't believe my eyes. Well, my eyes could barely see the headline because I now need reading glasses, but I could still see what Clay was trying to emphasize.
The NY Times wrote about OutKick and Clay and didn't turn it into a hit piece.
What a wild ride it's been since June 2020 when I sat in that very first official OutKick reboot meeting with five or six others. OutKick is so big now that I receive messages from employees I've never heard of who've been here for at least a year or two.
And now the Times is writing sorta pro-OutKick pieces.
It's a trap, right?
• Gerard writes:
This Brisket is on the Traeger for our "Super Bowl" party tonight (Saturday night.) My wife and I both like to actually watch the Super Bowl without any distractions. We also like to hang out with our friends to drink beer and socialize. You can't do all that with a football game going on. Besides, we both have to actually work early on Monday morning. Hopefully someone else is taking Monday morning Screencaps for you!
P.S. My single nephew lives in a 3-bedroom condo in Augusta if you happen to want to take me instead of your father or a life-long friend to the Masters lol. Free place to stay close by!

Screencaps old-timers feeling weird about the wide age range of IG models
• John W. puts things in perspective:
Regarding College Age IG Content This may have been in an old SC’s or a friend shared with me, but…..story of 30 year old going back to hometown college game with 60 year old Uncle and his friends. 30 year old checks out cheerleaders and turns to Uncle and asks ‘At what age do you stop looking at the cheerleaders?’ Uncle replies ‘I don’t know, but I’ll tell you when it happens.’
‘Thanks to the Screencaps community’
• Eddie from Acworth writes:
Know you wanted Super Bowl content today, but had to reach out and give you yet another reason I love the Screencaps community. This tool was listed as a "must have" for us dudes for Christmas-and it caught my eye-and my wife got it for me. We just trimmed our crepe myrtles-and the job is always a killer using hand clippers. This tool made it an absolute breeze.
Word to the wise though-be extra careful. It is easy to forget you are holding a mini-chainsaw in your hand.
The safety feature of having to press two buttons to operate it is a life saver.
Thanks community and cheers!
Ps: Dawgs fan Smith is correct. Michigan’s natty will be voided-and when UGA wins the title next season we will have the three-peat-since we were robbed of the opportunity this season.

No need to apologize for sending in a report on the Stihl battery-powered pruner. This was 100% highly recommended by the community and then I went to my 70-year-old aunt's house on Christmas Eve and she brought out her Christmas gift: The Stihl pruner.
I about fainted.
Right then I knew Stihl had itself a winner. #notsponsored
The Super Bowl Sunday sunrise in Malaga, Spain
Just look at what Mike T. woke up to this morning. I know Todd Z. won't like this, but it will resonate with a majority of the readership.

And the Ts are already getting into the Super Bowl Sunday beers:

Screw the fundraising companies! Screw the fundraising!
• Camden writes:
Got a question. Would I be wrong to try to turn a profit on my nephews chocolate sale? I’m talking buy the box, and sell those chocolates for a dollar more than I paid. I’d donate the money. Screw those fundraising companies.
I have a better idea: Start a GoFundMe where people donate money to get a virtual candy bar. For every dollar they send, you text them digital photos of the candy bar to their phones. If you donate $50, you get 50 digital candy bars.
It's more than what Alyssa Milano is giving her donors. Think about it, Camden!
You guys know I love first-time emailers especially when I'm having fun on Super Bowl Sunday morning
• Not So Bitchie Richie in Annandale, VA writes:
First time emailer and New CAPS reader for about five months. Absolutely love the content and no bull**** attitude of the Outkick brethren.
My two cents -- You have to go to the Practice Round.
Spend the entire day, you get to really understand the elevation changes of the course, get to see the players practicing all sorts of shots on and around the greens, caddies layout putt targets on the greens for all the expected tourney locations, have a pimento sandwich or two, the players may actually talk to you as they aren't as distracted by cameras and family (Par 3), and you'll have time to stop and buy Masters/Augusta stuff.
Maybe I'll see you there as I am going to the Practice Round myself.
1. I love when the new readers start to get into the mix. They start to get the storylines we've been working on for the last couple of years. Then they become part of the show. I LOVE IT. Keep the emails coming.
2. I'm leaning HARD into the Tuesday practice round, IF my ticket source gives me the word I've been waiting for al these years. I just might see Bitchie Ritchie there. Fingers crossed.
That's it this morning. I've had a blast getting you guys fired up for the Super Bowl. I'm not saying I want to start getting up on Sundays to pump out Screencaps, but I've had a great time. Like I told Lisa, now it's time to get my clubs ready to go for indoor golf. This will be Screencaps Jr.'s first time playing real virtual golf. I'm always excited to see if the kids are into a new activity.
Go have a fun day. Enjoy it. Soak it in.
And never forget how lucky we are to call this crazy ass country home. We're forever fortunate.