Take The Money And Run: Is There Any Celebrity Worth Paying $500,000 To Have Lunch With?

Given the choice between $500,000 and the opportunity to have lunch with Jay-Z, which would you take, and why is the answer the money?

It's one of the dumbest hypothetical questions floating around the internet, which was practically built to collect stupid hypothetical.

Hell, even Jay-Z doesn't think lunch with him is worth such a substantial hypothetical cash infusion.

You’ve gotta take the money,” the rapper told CBS' Gayle King in a recent interview. “You’ve got all that in the music for $10.99. I wouldn’t tell you to cut a bad deal. Like, take the $500,000, go buy some albums, and listen to the albums.”

I'm sure most of us wouldn't have even needed to think twice about taking the money in this situation. However, it's especially easy if you're not a big Jay-Z fan.

The more I thought about this hypothetical question the more I realized just how stupid it is. It's not even a good hypothetical question. Good ones are like:

Okay, fine, that last one isn't good either. We'd all take the possums.

Jay-Z Aside, How Much Money Would You Pass Up To Have Lunch With A Celebrity?

That is an absurd amount of money to pass up for lunch with Jay-Z. It's an insane amount of money to pass up for lunch with anyone.

Take Jay-Z out of the equation. Is there anyone you'd pass up half a million dollars to have lunch with? I don't think so.

Not most musicians, athletes, actors, or ex-presidents. No one.

I think my maximum threshold is probably $1,000. More than likely it's even less. And that's only if it was someone I wanted to have a chat with over a club sandwich and a couple of beers.

If someone said, "We'll give you $1,000 or you can have lunch with Wayne Gretzky, Mel Brooks, or Iron Maiden lead singer Bruce Dickinson (that's an eclectic list, I know)," I'd probably take the lunch. I could live with passing up the money for the story.

Now, $1,500 or the lunch? Show me the money.

Let me know your threshold, for passing up lunch with one of your favorite people by shooting an email to mattreigleoutkick@gmail.com.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.