Sunny Hostin Blames Climate Change For Solar Eclipse
The View cohost Sunny Hostin believes that Monday's solar eclipse, which has been known for decades when the exact date and time it would take place, only happened because of climate change.
Oh, did I say decades?
Sorry - I meant THOUSANDS of years in advance thanks to what is known as the Saros Series. A three-second Google search taught me that, but let's not let facts get in the way of her spewing her cup of BS.
"We've got a solar eclipse, we've got an earthquake… also, I learned that cicadas are coming!" Hostin said, as she didn't have the time to do a quick Google pronunciation lookup of how to actually pronounce cicadas since she butchered that as well.
"Si-CAH-Dahs ar coming!" Hostin said again, prompting Whoopi Goldberg to correct her as "Si-CAY-Duhs" and the TV control room executive producer probably throwing their hands up in the air.
It didn't stop there though. "For the first time in a hundred years or so [the cicadas are coming], for the first time in many, many years actually" before Whoopi then had to cut Hostin off again. "No, no. Every 17 years this happens," Goldberg cut in as if she was back filming Sister Act and scolding a student.
"That's not what I read,"noting before then brilliantly… and I mean brilliantly, saying the solar eclipse, earthquake and cicadas "would lead [people] to believe that climate change is happening."
… I'm sorry, what?

Sunny Hostin believes that the solar eclipse happened because of climate change. (Photo by Li Rui/Xinhua via Getty Images)
Even Joy Behar wouldn't let Sunny get away with that, chiming in, "Earthquakes are underground, climate change doesn't affect that," while Whoopi agreed, saying "and they've known about the solar eclipse for hundreds of years."
You want to know how one knows they really screwed up and are full of it? When both Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar are even saying your left-wing talking points aren't correct.
And for Hostin to arrogantly and dismissively say that she was repeating "what she read" also shows she doesn't know what she's talking about. She didn't even Google the facts or the pronunciation - do we really think she spent the time to research anything?
When people say that network television is dying, we can blame whoever thought it was a good idea to let people like Sunny Hostin still have a platform to spew her ignorance. And give her a multi-million dollar, multi-year contract no less!
Imagine being so bad at your job - and still actually having it? Unreal.