Suddenly, It's a Drama: Parents Irritated Spider-Man Movie Filming at Closed Schools
Schools in Atlanta are closed for everyone but Spider-Man, and he doesn't even need to so much as open a book, as far as we can tell. Either way, his presence is causing a stir among parents of students at two area high schools, where portions of Marvel's third Spider-Man movie are being shot.
Students have not been allowed to attend either Frederick Douglass High School or Henry W. Grady High School since March. But the Spider-Man production crew has received permission to start filming there in January, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
"The school system also halted use of its facilities as film locations. Spider-Man” is the first film to be granted an exception," the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported. "The approval came after the movie’s location manager pleaded for permission to use the two high schools and dangled a $50,000 incentive."
In other words, students don't pay the school to attend. Spider-Man does. Money talks, kids.
Now, anyone who knows anything about Peter Parker knows that the boy who becomes Spider-Man reads a lot and loves science. He's a computer geek. But this is one instance where nobody seems to want him in school. At least, not if they have to stay home.