Stanford Students Are More Likely To Wear A Mask Than Helmet While Riding A Bike

In an op-ed for The Stanford Review, student Maxwell Meyer highlighted findings from a study he devised while observing student-bicyclists riding around campus.

Meyer began to pick up on one illogical trend: More students were seen donning a mask to protect themselves from COVID than wearing a helmet while on their bicycles.

Observing a total of 400 cyclists, Meyer discovered that half (49 percent) of students skipped out on both masks and helmet while on their bikes. Only 10 percent were seen with a helmet and no mask, while three times that amount (34 percent) were spotted wearing a mask but no helmet. Seven percent were seen covered from chin to scalp, like an extra out of The Road Warrior.

Meyer tweeted out his anecdotal study, which was perfectly summed up by his caption's concluding statement: Science is dead, folks.

"But the point stands that at one of America’s leading research universities, students wear masks on bicycles at a higher rate than they wear helmets," said Meyer.

Between the outdoor setting, distance from fellow students and assumed vaccine status (per the school's 99 percent vaccination rate), the sight of masks was a complete folly on the prestigious campus.

According to a study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in 2011, "the highest injury rate for cycling accidents involves cyclists 16 to 20 years old." Data from a New York Times survey noted 90 fatalities among college employees and students — out of 397,000 infections — since the pandemic began, which amounts to a fatality rate of 0.023 percent. Students riding around without a helmet faced a "2.1 percent" fatality rate from traffic-related accidents, a significantly higher risk than COVID.

Nearly 18 months of data indicate that younger demographics are at lower risk from COVID. If not for the rampant mandates, COVID hysteria and fear porn permeating in America, the sub-80 age categories would be deemed a safe group. Instead, the call for masks continues.

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Alejandro Avila is a longtime writer at OutKick, living in Southern California. 

AA's insights on topics ranging from cinema to food and politics transformed the lives of average folks worldwide into followers of the OutKick Way©

Trying to out-wit this writer has been likened to staring at the sun and waiting for the sun to blink first. 

A writer of many things across copious mediums.

Interests: Jeopardy, movie theaters, Jiu-Jitsu, Christ, roller skating, Los Angeles. (follow @alejandroaveela on X)