Sean O'Malley Says It's Fine He Cheats On Wife Because He's A 'King' Who Pays 'For Everything'

Sean O'Malley does some Olympic level mental gymnastics to justify sleeping with women other than his wife.

The UFC star, who is fresh off winning the bantamweight title, has been dating a woman by the name of Danny Gonzalez for years, and he's never been shy about the fact that the relationship is open.

Well, it's open in one way: He can have sex with other women but she can't touch another guy.

Sean O'Malley justifies having sex with women other than his wife.

"I'm a king. I pay for everything. I treat Danny like a queen. If I get a little p*ss on the side, what does that have to do with anything? I got testosterone running through my veins. It's that f*cking simple," the UFC superstar said during a recent interview with Bradley Martyn.

Moments later, O'Malley admitted that his standard wouldn't apply if he wasn't so successful in life. He can only cheat because he's balling and a champion!

Watch his truly bizarre comments below.

These comments are simply incredibly strange.

Obviously, people live different lifestyles and that's just a fact of life. What's not acceptable for you might be acceptable to a different person.

However, coming on a popular podcast and talking about getting "p*ss on the side" because you're such a "king" just screams insecurity.

Who talks like that? What functioning adult uses that kind of language? Furthermore, and perhaps most disturbingly, Danny and Sean O'Malley have a child.

They literally have a kid together, and that kid's dad is on the internet talking about how he has to cheat on her mom because of all the "testosterone running through" his body. Are those comments you really want on the internet forever?

Imagine having to explain that to your daughter in 15 years if someone cheats on her. Well, how mad can you be? The dude probably was just a "king" doing his thing.

I definitely don't want to come off as preachy, and people are free to do what they want. Just use a little common sense when discussing it publicly. There's nothing alpha about bragging about sleeping with people who aren't your longtime partner, in my very humble opinion.

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David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.