Salma Hayek's Most Viral Content Moments, That's A Wild Anthony Richardson Autograph & A Breakfast Casserole
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Is Amazon attempting to program us to use Alexa to tip our delivery drivers? Yes.
Last night, the text group was talking about how Millennial Chris B. in Bowling Green received an alert from his Amazon Driver requesting him to "Ask Alexa to thank" the driver, who would then get a $5 "bonus" from Amazon.
Then, an hour later, I was on SlickDeals looking for deals, which aren't even close to the deals I would get on that site 15 years ago, when a "deal" from Amazon popped up with…a message that Amazon is "letting customers give drivers" a $5 tip.
Question: What does this ultimately lead to?

I'm convinced that Alexa will ultimately ask people, in their homes, if they'd like to tip the Amazon driver who just dropped off a package on the front porch.
In other words, the next frontier of tipping.
I can hear it now:
Alexa: "A package has arrived at your door, would you like to tip your Amazon driver?"
Customer: "Yes."
Alexa: "How much?"
Or something like that.
Great football coaches and teams America needs to hear about
- Dean in Fond du Lac, WI writes:
With your coverage of the Marion Local HS football team, I want to bring to your attention Bob Hyland, the head football coach at Fond du Lac (WI) St. Mary’s Springs H.S. Ledgers who last month retired after 54 years (!) as Springs’ Head Football Coach. Coach Hyland retired with 522 wins and is the only Wisconsin high school football coach with more than 500 wins and all were won at Springs.
With Coach Hyland, Springs appeared in 27 state championship games and won 17 State Championships for their division (do the math, that is half of his seasons coaching Springs that he went to the state championship game) in both the WISAA and WIAA (the WISAA was the athletic governing body that originally was just the private schools and the WIAA was the athletic governing body for only the public schools, but the private schools are now all part of the WIAA and have been for many years).
While my son was at Springs from 2011-2015, Springs lost one game in those 4 years in football and that game was the WIAA Division 6 semi-final game. While he was attending Springs, Springs averaged around 231 students for all four grades. Similarly dominant like Marion Local during that span in wins with a small student body.
Are there other greats out there that readers need to know about? Send them in. Let's hear the stories.
- Mercer County Matt checks in:
Just want to chime in on the Marion Local football team and the rest of the MAC conference! It has to be one of the best conferences in the state! Since 2014 (as far back as I researched) the MAC has sent at least 1 team to the state championship tournament. 10 teams in the conference and numerous times more than 1 team represented the MAC in a football championship.
In those 11 years, 4 times they sent 3 teams, 6 times they sent 2 teams and 1 time they sent 1 team. I am in the Parkway School district (definitely bottom of the league in football) so I am very familiar with the MAC.
On another note, the Carl's Jr. that was sent in is not a repurposed Pizza Hut. That is their building design as shown in the picture I attached. This Carl Jr.'s is across the street from the Stratosphere in Las Vegas.

Is there such a thing as a trap game?
- Zach asks:
Do you think there is such a thing as a "trap game" in sports, or is it just an excuse to explain why teams lose to other squads that they shouldn't?
Hell yes, I believe there are such things as trap games.
I remember like 20 years ago, Vince Young and Texas were BIG favorites going to Kansas a week after blowing up Oklahoma State. The Kansas game was sandwiched between Oklahoma State and Texas A&M.
Easy win, right? Kansas wasn't good.
I bet on Vince Young that day. It didn't go well and I learned the art of the trap game for gamblers. Trap games don't even have to result in losses.
Trap games 100% are real.
That's some nice ‘Snow Beef’ Mike N. was eating
- Curt C. knows a pile of snow beef when he sees a pile:
In looking at the photo that Mike N. included with his post, from the appearance of the beef and his hint that it was imported from Japan, it appears to me that the "Snow Beef" is probably a fairly high grade Japanese Wagyu beef. With the extensive marbling, "Snow Beef" is an appropriate name. I would expect that it would be some of the best beef he has eaten!
- Clay W. did some math for me on the price of dinner in the Asian restaurant that claims, "If it swims, we have it":
Quickie conversion rate is 1Rm equals about a Quarter US. The 58 price on one tank is about $13.50. Close enough.

It's time for me to remind people to not get triggered by T European vacation content. If it seems mundane, scroll on.
- John from SD writes:
What’s going on with the breakfast pictures during this trip? First and second day pictures had three plates of an English breakfast (none of them looked good!).
Mike T goes to Spain solo, one breakfast plate picture two days in a row (I believe two days straight).
Cindy T stays in England and posts her (another) English vegetarian breakfast, two plates. Who else is on the trip? Enquiring minds want to know but respect if they don’t want to reveal (but then don’t share extra details).
- The Ts are known to send me content that is out of the ordinary or will create a conversation. I'm forever grateful for their eyes and ears when they're traveling in random parts of the world.
- Mike T. sent the first English breakfast photo just as a photo showing what he was up to. I keyed in on it immediately because I have a conversation to drive around here and that's what conversationalist blogs do with such content.
- Then Mike T. kept the breakfast theme rolling while others piled on. That's natural.
- Cindy T. does her own side traveling while in Europe. This isn't out of the ordinary for the Ts. She clearly wanted to see how I'd react to that vegetarian breakfast and that odd log on the plate. I was once again DISGUSTED.
- If you want to dig deeper into the T travels, Mike and Cindy document it all on their website (#NotSponsored). Ask questions. The Ts are some of the nicest people I've ever encountered on the Internet.
Speaking of the Ts, Cindy T. finds a Welsh pub to hunker down in
- Mike T. reports:
Cindy T and one of the daughters get waylaid in Wales, made the best of it in the local Pubs

Is it time to ban TV network guys from wearing sneakers with suits?
- ‘Big Dog’ Buster tells me:
I say naw, nope, nada, sports guy's gotta be sports guys.
Backstory, in the mid 80's to mid 90's my wife was in advertising at the time and was the President of her ad federation so we always regularly attended parties and functions , mostly Black Tie.
Even though I wasn't in advertising it was well known I was slightly off in the HD (Humor Dep't).. I always wore a Black Tux with a fairly new pair of high top, untied, Shaq Reeboks with red trim. The Wife always had the standard look of you've lost your mind.
But she learned to just give up from the thumb's up I always got, then it started to spread and the guy's tried to outdo each other. I was using the line so much while raising a son that was like me, my wife has learned to just "Let It GO". Keep the content going, I'm always in class.
- Darren in McDonough asks:
Anyone below the age of 30 still call the shoes worn with suits in the photo you posted still call Jordans sneakers?
Asking for a friend.
I'll ask Screencaps Jr. what he calls them.
The Great Screencaps Breakfast Debate — The Texans have arrived
- Texas Tech Radio Guy Ryan Hyatt has entered the conversation:
The guy from Houston was right to bag on the "breakfast burrito" from Ilinois. He was also smart not to venture into one of the great food debates in Texas. Is it a breakfast burrito or a breakfast taco... The answer largely depends on what part of the state you're in.
In West Texas, more commonly called a breakfast burrito but get around San Antonio and south and it's breakfast tacos. Always heated discussion for Texans.
As far as a personal favorite, hard to beat the breakfast enchilada plate at Yesterdays Diner in Red River, NM.
Plan to be there for a while...also, gotta go "Christmas style" on the sauce. Half red chili half green chili. Only way to go.

Hyatt mentioning New Mexico has me missing the Christmas-style burritos I had so many times on visits to Taos when my mother lived there for years. He's not lying, get that red and green chili on everything, even burgers. Especially burgers!
Trust us!
What's the craziest request you've seen of wedding guests?
Tuesday, I brought you the story about a wedding where the bride and groom banned Apple iWatches.
- Alex in NC writes:
My wife's Uncle is from a little town in western Arkansas. He showed up to our wedding in overalls and our wedding coordinator tried to turn him away as she thought he was some stranger. Her uncle's response was "I have my Sunday shirt on". It was a silver shirt with a collar under his overalls. Arkansas Chic, he was a great man, just a good ol country boy.
That is it on this random December morning as you prepare to ease right into the holiday season. Are those company Christmas parties cranking up this week? Any stories to share about coworkers getting trashed in front of the boss?
Let's hear them.
Go have a great day.