Salma Hayek Loves Christmas, Jets Tickets Hit Rock Bottom, Tommy Devito Makes Chicken Cutlets With Mom & A Beautiful Pizza Hut
This isn't going to be a massive Screencaps because I'm working on my 13" laptop on the road in Dayton at a dining room table and I'm out of my element
I know you guys will understand.
You're hungover anyway.
Here's what I learned last night on night one of Christmas weekend:
Merry Christmas from the Masters Girl and her family
What a year it was for Masters Girl and her family. You might remember way back in April when Aaliyah Kikumoto was standing behind Brooks Koepka on the No. 16 tee box when a CBS camera caught her and the rest is history.
It turns out the Kikumoto family loves OutKick and has been in touch with many of us ever since.
• Charles K. writes:
Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas, happy holidays and Happy New Year from the Masters Girl, Masters Girl Mom, and the rest of the Kikumoto clan. We’re a bit behind on our annual Christmas Card delivery and without addresses we’re sending electronically - sorry. Although we’re behind - Santa is not…(Joe - we believe ).
Thank you for all you do and wish you the best for 24. We’re grateful for our freedom and the true reason for the season - the birth of our Lord and Savior. God bless our troops and God bless the USA.

Merry Christmas from the Ts
• Mike T. and Cindy T. sent their greetings:

Do you buy Christmas gifts for your wife/husband or are you to the age where you say the hell with it like two of the guys in my text group?
• Bob D. in Huntsville, AL writes:
I just had to weigh in on the column today, especially the Christmas shopping for a spouse/significant other. My wife and I fall into the "Buy and wrap gifts for my wife" camp. I know others that have agreed to not buy gifts, but I have always thought that if you can't buy a gift for the one you committed your life to, why would you buy for anyone else?
That said, we do set a spending limit of around $150 each. I have to say that with inflation $150 does not go far. This year I will go over just a little (does 3x count as a little?). I try to get her three gifts - one frivolous, one practical, and one that is comfortable. This year I bought some leather bookmarks that caught her eye at a local store, some wool socks, and an emerald necklace. Don't worry, she is not a regular reader of SC!
Hope you and yours have a safe and peaceful Christmas! Keep up the great work!
• Jim T. in Sandy Eggo says:
My wife and I get each other and wrap gifts - but nothing fancy. Just something thoughtful.
Here's a SC Nation question: Do you open presents Christmas Eve or Christmas morning? My wife's family always did 1 present Christmas Eve when she was growing up; in my family, that was heresy. So we do it her way. ;-)
Finally, mixing Christmas and movies, after thinking about it I'll buy your argument that Paul Blart: Mall Cop is a Christmas movie. But the one movie I watch EVERY year is George C. Scott's 1984 version of "A Christmas Carol." ( Of all the on-screen Scrooges through the years, he's the only one that can make "Bah, humbug" sound like something someone somewhere would actually have uttered. It's an all-British cast except for Scott, yet he never even attempts a British accent - and you never notice! He just becomes Scrooge, just as he became Patton. Best version of "A Christmas Carol" ever ...
Merry Christmas to you and the Screencaps family!
Fire pits and movie quotes
• Louie in Savannah checks in:
Here’s a fire pit pic from my backyard, nothing overly unique but it’s my little slice of heaven. Enjoying the rare cool weather tonight with some single malt, the family, and lots of tunes.
Bryan D. was spot on with Caddyshack, every line in that movie is a memorable quote. I really think every single line in that movie can be quoted and you know exactly where it came from.
My personal GO-TO quote is, “Did your parents have any children that lived?” I say that at least 5 times a day in my Gunnery Sgt Hartman voice, rhetorically of course.
I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday weekend, along with all of SC Nation.

Celebrities and/or athletes in the wild being real humans like the rest of us
• Scott in Ridgeland, SC writes:
Another solid week of SC. Great topics galore. On seeing famous folks in the real world, saw Jeff Foxworthy at the Atlanta airport eating a Bojangles biscuit. A missed sponsorship opportunity I think.
On movies, I didn’t see Fletch (one of Chevy Chase’s best). Ferris Buehler’s Day Off and Fast Times at Ridgemont High.
Merry Christmas to all the fellow SC readers!

Movies and how I met my wife
• Michael P. writes:
Checking in from the great white north(although not so white yet this year)Merry Christmas! I hope you and the family enjoy your holiday.
I have see all the movie suggestions pouring in. Lots of great choices. I own a good number of the comedies(along with all the great War classics) and donated them to the family RV a couple years ago. My dad's family does a fishing trip in June way up north in Canada every year. We all pile into an RV in Northern Wisconsin and drive together and we end up spending 2 nights sleeping in it. So I eagerly donated all my old classics so we can watch Monty Python or a Mel Brooks flick in the evening before we are on the lake.
One movie I haven't seen mentioned(maybe I missed it) is Tropic Thunder. Best comedy made this millennium in my opinion. Ben Stiller at his best. Robert Downey Jr making fun of black doing black face. And Tom Cruise going all out in a fat suit. They tried to come for it a few years ago and to his credit Stiller stuck to his guns saying its a comedy but I'm sure they will try again.
Didn't meet my wife in the bar but met her on the soccer field. My sister played club soccer in college and they asked me to coach one year. Seemed like a good way to meet girls so I was all in. Long story short ,13 years together and we just welcomed baby number 2.
I need to go back to our local Pizza Hut over the holidays to see if it has improved to this level
If you own a Pizza Hut franchise, I'm begging you to do what's right and bring back the true classic Pizza Hut experience. I'd pay $30 for a pizza at a true old-school Pizza Hut. Sell VIP memberships. Sell bricks to pave the parking lot like they do outside MLB stadiums.
Bring it back!
That's it for this Saturday morning. I have a ton of emails on meat thermometers to post and quite a few emails on movies you need to buy on Blu-ray before the streaming apps kill them off for good.
Have a great Christmas weekend with your family and enjoy your quiet time. I'm off to enjoy some of my own quiet time.