RGIII's Wife Busts Out To Start 2025, CBS's Jenny Dell Grabs Everyone's Attention & Schefty Loves OJ!

Whew. We all good? We feeling OK to start 2025? You awake yet? Hell, it's 4 p.m., I certainly hope so! 

Happy New Year, boys and girls. Tough situation going on in New Orleans right now, so today's class ain't gonna be all ham & eggs, because it shouldn't be. 

What happened this morning was disgusting. I feel like we've all been to Bourbon Street at some point in our lives – I was there two summers ago – so watching all of that unfold cuts deep. 

I don't want to get into it too much today because this class is a refuge from real-world things, so let's just say it was absolutely disgusting, and this country needs to right the ship in 2025. Fair? OK, let's move on. 

Welcome to a Wednesday Nightcaps – the one where we ring in the new year with RGIII's wife AND Jenny Dell, and go from there. Sound good? Good!

What else? I've got Adam Schefter missing OJ Simpson, Melania Trump Making First Ladys Great Again, a scuffle at Jack in the Box over some curly fries and a totally not-high Dillon Gabriel gearing up for Ohio State. 

What a holiday menu. Whew. Let's roll. 

Grab you an Alka-Seltzer and light beer as you ease into the night, and settle in for a Hump Day 'Cap!

Jenny Dell was the only good part of yesterday's stinky slate

Look, I love college football, so I'll never complain when we get more of it. That being said, these playoffs have just been complete ass. I mean, my God, can we get ONE competitive game? Just one? 

Boise State was never winning that game. The score looked kinda close in the third quarter, but it wasn't happening. We're two weeks into these new playoffs, and we haven't had one good game. Not even one decent moment! 

Notre Dame blew the doors off Indiana. Penn State, Texas and Ohio State all won by double-digits. Today, we get a triple-header that looks good on paper. I assume Texas will roll Arizona State, but the other two games (Ohio State-Oregon and Georgia-Notre Dame) should be competitive. 

Should. Should. 

Lord knows the big-wigs at CFB HQ are praying they are. If we get three more duds today, folks are gonna revolt. They'll be calling for someone's head. Probably Herbstreit's. Who knows? 

Here's to hoping! And, of course, here's to CBS's Jenny Dell for making yesterday somewhat palatable!

RGIII's wife had a big night, too

God, I miss Jenny Dell from her NESN days. If you know, you know. 

Jenny got her big start as a field reporter for the Red Sox on NESN, and she quickly captivated all of New England. We couldn't get enough of her, and neither could the team. 

Of course, she ended up marrying former Red Sox star Will Middlebrooks. Legends. 

Anyway, when you have a minute, look up the long list of Red Sox reporters for NESN. Jenny, Heidi Watney, Tina Cervasio, Guerin Austin – just an all-star lineup from about 2007-2020. Incredible. 

Those were the days. Again, if you know, you know. 

OK, let's get back on track and check in with someone else who could very well earn herself a gig at NESN … Grete Griffin!

Tough tweet from Schefty, Jack in the Box & Dillon Gabriel is ready to roll!

My God. Welcome to class, Grete Griffin! Look, we all know RGIII is insanely woke, but fair is fair, and we have to respect the vets around here. 

Grete Griffin is ready to crush 2025, and that should have everyone ready to roll into the new year with clear eyes and full hearts (can't lose!). 

Again, welcome to class, Grete! I have a feeling we'll be seeing you throughout this new year. 

OK, rapid-fire time because I'm supposed to be off early today and I've got a lawn to mow before Florida plummets into the teens next week. 

First up? What a TWEET from Adam damn Schefter!

Incredible. Schefty leaving no stone unturned as he barrels into 2025. Love that. Don't let the haters get you down, Schefty! If you want to include a totally innocent OJ Simpson on your list, you go for it. 

Hello Twitter World! 

Miss those videos. 

Next? Let's take a quick lunch break at … Jack in the Box!

Amazing. What a way to spend your waning hours of 2024! Love the #content we're getting right off the bat this year. Strong start. 

Fix my shit, or I will blow this whole motherfu--er up!

Get ‘em, girl! Curly fries? Delicious. Underrated in the fry game. I get it. I’d be pissed, too. 

Finally, you know someone who 10000% would've crushed a dozen bags of curly fries last night? Oregon's Dillon Gabriel!

Take us into 2025, Melania

I've never really loved Dillon Gabriel, but he's spot-on about playing football in warm weather. I'm sure Joe Kinsey will use this as motivation for the Buckeyes later today, but whatever. 

I'm rolling with Dillon and Oregon! Light 'em up, boys!

OK, that's it for today. Happy New Year, everyone. Let's go have a big one. 

Take us home, Melania!

OutKick Nightcaps is a daily column set to run Monday through Friday at 4 p.m. (roughly, we’re not robots).

You grow up with Jenny in Boston? Email me at Zach.Dean@OutKick.com.

Written by
Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.