People Reveal Worst Mistakes They Ever Made, Stories Are Chilling
People are revealing their worst mistakes, and it's a house of horrors.
Everyone makes mistakes from time to time. It's the nature of being human. Nobody is perfect. That's just a fact of life, and anyone who pretends otherwise is lying.
Now, you hope that your mistakes aren't that serious and can quickly be corrected. Unfortunately, that's not the case for everyone, and that fact was on full display with a new viral Reddit thread.
People go viral sharing their worst mistakes.
A viral Reddit thread recently popped up with the title, "What's the biggest mistake you ever made in your life?"
There was a zero percent chance I'd scroll that without clicking. I had to dive down that rabbit hole, and the stories were……interesting.
Check out some of the responses below, and let me know your thoughts at
- Talking to police without a lawyer. Don’t do that, kids…
- Being a people pleaser and letting people treat me like a pushover for years Ever since I changed my behaviour I lost a lot of friends, but people also started treating me with much more respect compared to before
- Starting with drugs and alcohol at a young age. Although i've been sober almost fourteen now, so many years wasted and opportunities missed.
- Not taking certain opportunities due to fear of failure.
- Staying in a relationship I was unhappy in for 10 years. I can identify at least 5-7 times when I should have left.
- Not pushing harder for a medical diagnosis when I was having crazy neurological symptoms. It was a giant tumor. Not anxiety. Not too much caffeine.
- Getting upset with my father and slamming the door. This was the last moment I ever saw him alive before he passed away that night from a heart condition he had.
- Not bothering at school leading to no qualifications or profession.
- Getting useless art degree at private art school. 200k+ in student loan, no job. Not sure what how to live my future
- Believing that she is not cheating with the guy that drops her at home after work.
- Not nearly as bad as some others. But taking out a good portion of my 401k just so I could have the down payment for a bigger house. Tax man cameth and really shouldn't have messed with that retirement money. That said.... The house has appreciated in value a LOT so when we sell and downsize I don't know that I am actually going to lose that much money other than the tax hit. But, I still wish I didn't do it and the money was still in the investments.
- Started using cocaine 1.5 years ago. Blew through 27000 euro in that amount of time. I made my wife cry so many times. She didn't deserve this. I didn't deserve her. Maybe I still don't. But I'm half a year clean now and I'm trying so hard to make things right. I see her smile again but she's still hurt and I don't know how to fix that. I really really wish I did because she's the best. F*ck I'm crying again...
- I should have asked my ex girlfriend to come with me when I moved around the world to pursue my career. I decided to leave her behind and leave the question unasked. I do wonder what she’s up to
- Marrying who I married. The divorce is just a horrible continuation of a horrible marriage.
- Got married
- Selling a house I loved in a place I loved living in 2020. Now I can’t afford to live anywhere and I couldn’t afford my old house.
- forgiving lies and betrayal, afraid to face the truth, afraid of change
- Probably my ex husband he was a liar and a cheater
- Not staying in school
It's amazing how many of the mistakes revolve around relationships and money. Perhaps, I shouldn't really be that surprised.
It seems like money and relationships can give people a lot of anxiety. Fortunately for me as a working class and blue-collar man, having a lot of money isn't something I think I'll ever have to worry about.
I also have a great fiancée who is a saint. In terms of my biggest mistake, I'd honestly have to say it's where I first chose to live when I moved to the Washington, D.C. area. Found the place on Craigslist, came out east without knowing a single soul and found myself living in the worst possible house. Just horrible, and as someone who grew up in rural Wisconsin, I couldn't stand being near other homes.
If I can see your house, then it's too close to me. Obviously, that was a huge culture shock. I should have taken more time to research and find a better place instead of living in that nightmare of a house. Live and learn.

Reddit users are going viral sharing the worst mistakes they ever made, and the stories are chilling. (Credit: Getty Images)
Do you have any significant mistakes in life? Let me know at