People Reveal Inappropriate Culture Shock Moments Involving Sex And Drugs
Reddit is on fire with some eye-opening wild stories.
There's a very high chance you're a fan of scrolling through Reddit if you're an OutKick fan. The Venn diagram of people who love this site and love reading insane and unhinged stories is a perfect circle.
You truly never know what you're going to get on the site, and we have an absolute doozy of a topic today:
Inappropriate culture shock moments.
Wild culture shock moments go viral on Reddit.
A thread titled "What is your NSFW culture shock?" is blowing up, and it's the definition of must-read content. For those of you who might not know, NSFW stands for "not suitable for work."
When you see the NSFW tag, it means things are going to get wild, and this thread definitely doesn't disappoint.
Check out some of the answers below, and hit me with your thoughts at
- How many people do coke
- Living in a small rural community surrounded by other small rural communities, the amount of "secret" swingers is astounding.
- I’m German, so I’m kinda used to nudity in some places, but Denmark took it to another level.
- Not mine but my American GFs first visit to Australia. Our tampons don't have applicators.
- I, a 35 year old heterosexual male, started reading smut, and it is shocking how many women are reading smut. And how many of them will happily discuss the smut with me.
- I bought an old Kindle off a middle aged mom at a garage sale a few months ago. She said she didn’t know if it worked so I only paid $2. I plugged it in and it was just full of nothing but smut and Harry Potter. Dozens and dozens of erotic books. And then Harry Potter. That’s it.
- Not my culture shock, but my dad's. We were in the Bahamas and these two French ladies walked up topless and took seats in front of us. My dad proceeded to poke me and be like, 'look at the boobies.' As his daughter, I told him to chill or the boobies would go away.
- How many people cheat
- Old men in the gyms in the U.S. "hanging" around naked in the locker room for a considerable time, with their pot bellies, man boobs and drooping nut-sacks on display. I'm new to the locker room nude culture.
- How many people, even kinky ones, are really judgmental about stuff they're not personally into.
- The first time I saw the Vermont naked bike ride.
- There is a cave in New York that has nudist tours. I visited the cave clothed and froze my ass off the entire time. I can’t imagine the horror of a small group of naked and cold people walking through a dark cave, especially the part where you have to go through a tight passage sideways.
- How so many people still don't understand or believe in the existence of STDs and the like despite being educated and having constant access to the internet. And these people would have multiple partners.
- How many people cheat. How many couples swing. The sexual subculture that exists right in front of our noses without most people being aware of it.
- My wife and I are monogamous, and have been for over 30 years. It’s shocking to me, how many people are willing to cheat on their partners.
- Swingers love to let people know they swing. So many pineapples around state campgrounds.
- A lot more people than you think have a box full of freaky sex toys. I call mine the SexBox 360.
- Walking into a lethal brothel in Nevada for the first time and seeing how the girls dressed. I knew how they’d be dressed, but walking in to see a girl so casually dressed in lingerie in the middle of the parlor definitely threw me off a little bit!
That's a solid sample of the thread's themes and stories. There were many stories that I found awesome, but couldn't include because even I have to draw a line in the sand at some point.
The one culture shock mentioned above that I vividly remember experiencing is the first one about cocaine. I was stunned by the amount of people in Washington, D.C. who did cocaine when I first moved here. I'm from a super small rural community, and I wouldn't know where to buy cocaine if you put a gun to my head.
I came to D.C. and it was seemingly more readily available than weed. For the record, I never did it and never would. Given the amount of fentanyl in circulation these days, you're playing Russian roulette if you're using street drugs.
Don't do it. It's not worth it, and there's no upside compared to the worst of downsides.

People on Reddit are going viral sharing inappropriate culture shock moments. (Credit: Getty Images)
Do you have a wild culture shock moment? Let me know at